Talking Planet Mi’kmaw Episode 3 ‘Bed’ – Mimi and Pip make tired Momo a bed. Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of Mimi, [...]
Talking Planet Mi’kmaw Episode 2 ‘Soap’ – Mimi and Pip give muddy Momo a bubble bath! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of [...]
Talking Planet Mi’kmaw Episode 1 Friends – Mimi and Pip play ball and Momo makes a friend! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures [...]
Вышел в свет второй выпуск альманаха «Мой родной язык. Сохранение языков коренных народов России», подготовленный Федеральным агентством по делам национальностей, Программой ЮНЕСКО “Информация для всех”, Комиссией Российской Федерации по делам ЮНЕСКО при содействии Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации. Программа «Мой родной язык» обеспечивает уникальные возможности для изучения языковой ситуации в различных субъектах Российской Федерации, межрегионального [...]
On October 3, 2023 the round table “Ethnocultural Mosaic” was held on the basis of the Municipal General Education Institution “Starobesovskaya basic general education school named after A.F. Yurtov” of Novomalyklinsky district of Ulyanovsk region in accordance with the implementation of the Plan of events dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the birth of A.F. [...]
Talking Planet Gaelic Episode 5 ‘Hungry’ – Mimi and Pip are hungry so Momo makes popcorn! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of [...]
Talking Planet Gaelic Episode 4 ‘Teeth’ – Mimi and Pip brush Momo’s monster teeth! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of Mimi, Pip [...]
Talking Planet Gaelic Episode 2 ‘Bath’ – Mimi and Pip give muddy Momo a bubble bath! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of [...]
Talking Planet Gaelic Episode 2 ‘Bath’ – Mimi and Pip give muddy Momo a bubble bath! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures of [...]
Talking Planet Gaelic Episode 1 ‘Friends’ – Mimi and Pip play ball and Momo makes a friend! Welcome to Talking Planet, an animated language teaching tool for early learners and their families. It has been developed specifically to bring indigenous and minority endangered languages into the home and the digital world through the gentle adventures [...]
To monitor and evaluate progress towards the desired impact of the IDIL2022-2032, that Indigenous languages are preserved, revitalized, promoted, and used across all socio-cultural, economic, environmental, and political domains and are drivers for building peace, justice, development, and reconciliation in our societies, the IDIL Monitoring and Evaluation Framework proposes a methodology that is both user-centric [...]
Сегодня, 3 октября, в Министерстве по национальной политике и делам религий Республики Дагестан прошел круглый стол с представителями некоммерческих организаций и национально-культурных автономий на тему «Межнациональный мир и гражданское согласие – основа единства и стабильности». Модератором круглого стола выступил начальник управления национальной политики и информационного обеспечения Миннаца РД Магомед Даитбегов. Поприветствовав участников мероприятия от имени [...]
L’origine numerica del nostro Calendario Campestre si trova nel sistema duodecimale, ovvero per dodici e cioè in dodicesimi, ripetendo la distanza di 12+12 giorni attorno al solstizio d’inverno, misurandola tra il primo giorno di minimo azimut del Sole all’orizzonte di alba e tramonto, e l’ultimo giorno di minima altezza del Sole a mezdì, praticamente tra [...]
Nel Calendario Campestre il conto dei giorni ha un ritmo “duodecimale” cioè per dodici o in dodicesimi, che si contano l’uno dietro l’altro e non in modo “addizionale” ma in modo “lineare” concatenandoli, con l’ultimo giorno dei dodici giorni che è anche il primo giorno dei successivi dodici. Così, contandone per cinque volte si ottengono [...]
Traduzione delle pagine 18 e 21 sul riconoscimento legale ovvero giuridico delle lingue indigene cioè autòctone, a tutti i livelli, proposto da “global action plan of the international decade of indigenous languages” in inglese, e da “plan d’action mondial de la décennie internationale des langues autochtones” in francese, a cura della UNESCO illustrando i dieci [...]
Traduzione della pagina 14 di “global action plan of the international decade of indigenous languages” dall’inglese, e di “plan d’action mondial de la décennie internationale des langues autochtones” dal francese, edito a cura della UNESCO illustrando i quattro interventi organizzati per il decennio dal 2022 al 2032 e cioè: (1) ottenere maggiore consapevolezza della diversità [...]