lien | Tatta-Tainka Letter Corrections in Gurmukhi Punjabi, Phulkari Embroidery, UNESCO, WIPO, Indigenous, IDIL, Artisans & Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D Uni

As also submitted to WIPO, all of it also includes the WIPO Language, Music and WIPO Creators for Tatta-Tainka Letter Corrections in Gurmukhi Punjabi Alphabet, Language and Music and Musicology with 3 Streams of Phulkari as with Phulkari, Gulkari and Khulkari Flower Artworks as in Embroidery with Proposed WIPO Triple Point & WIPO Common Marks with Proposed WIPO Community Unit-Unitary IP and Patent Streams as well.
In all of it, the Punjabi Dialects are also Highly Endangered and Extinction Facing in reference to Indigenous Languages when these are taken with Indigenous Dialects, where All World Indigenous Languages can also be accommodated, where Citizens of World Regions of Dialects can also participate in Greater Number and also with Greater Ease, for example, Login for Your Indigenous Dialect seems easier than Login for Your Indigenous Language, where Greater Contributions are required in the World Indigenous Dialects as well.
It is also to be remarked here that many people, for example, in Punjab and Other States in India and Worldwide may not understand the "Indigenous" Language, but if it is put as Indigenous Dialects (One's Mother, Father, Parent, Guardian and Native Dialects), almost anyone may understand it in lot easier way as well.
Now, in case of the World Indigenous Alphabet, Language and Music with Theory of Elements, the World Languages also deal with at least 3 Main Categories of WIPO IP as with WIPO Classic, WIPO TK and WIPO Green, where Alphabets also represent the Theory of Elements, for example Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth (Solid) with Wood, Coal, Metal, Charcoal and even Lime and Other Elements in Different World Civilizations as well.
In all of it, the Elements also represent the World Ecology and the Ecological Regions of the World, where the Indigenous People use it with Special Approach of Elements in the Given, Selected and even Special Ecological Region, where it also creates the Indigenous Dialect, and it is also the Earth Energy Stream, which also aligns with the Sun as Source of Light and Thermal Energy as in USA, Australia, Latin America and Africa, where all of it is linked more to the Alphabets and Languages with lesser of the Theory of Elements, the Indigenous Part, which, however, varies all over the world as well.
Furthermore, the Music in the Alphabet and Language, for example as in Indian Classical Music with SARGAM (SA, RE, GA, MA, PA, DHA, NI and SA) is linked to Moon, and it also gives the Human, Animal and Bird Sounds, where the World Indigenous and Ecological Systems also link to the Moon in addition to Sun and the Sunlight Systems and Streams, while all of it is also present in the Himalayan Civilizations with Bi-State and Bi-Nation to Multi State and Multinational Levels, where Gurmukhi Punjabi with its Sanskrit, Sahaskriti, Shahmukhi and Aramaic with Cymatics also bridges it all to Western Language Streams as shown in Image 2 with Special Discussions at the End well.
Quick Blogging Research Post: [1] It is One of the Simplest Open Requests, Appeals and Submissions On Teacher's Day for the Gurmukhi Punjabi Alphabet, which needs to be corrected as it keeps Serious Health and Psychiatry Harming Tatta-Tainka Manipulations and Endangered Levels of Puadha Dialect in Gurbari Versions of Gurmukhi with EK Hypothesis of EK Gurmukhi with Hypothesis of Philselfology (
So, we also end up with Earth Based Indigenous Theories, Alphabets and Languages with UNO and UNESCO, while the Alphabets with Language and Grammar Streams also go with Sun and the Sunlight Systems and Streams, for example as in the Chicago USA Based PoWR (Parliament of the World's Religions), while the Indigenous Music with Earth and Sun is reflected in Moon, where Tribes, Traditional Families (Gharanas) and Musical Streams are like the Blocks as in the Traditional Blockchain Streams, where Dominions in World Languages, Religions, Faiths and Sacred Systems are also present as well.
Now, the Indigenous Theories, Alphabets and Languages with UNO and UNESCO, Language and Grammar Streams with Sun and the Sunlight Systems and Streams in POWR and Music Streams in Traditional Blockchain as thus 3 Streams of UNO, PoWR and Traditional Blockchain are Common in WIPO, where it is also present in WIPO Classic, TK and Green and even WIPO IP, AI and Creative IP Streams with Universal Constant, Variable and Coefficient Streams with Cymatics, while all of it is also used together in Gurmukhi Punjabi Music Streams as well.
In all of it, the World Music with 3 of these Streams is also present in the EK Gurmukhi Music with its Center at Holy Shri Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) in Shri Amritsar Sahib, while all of it is also present in EK Gurmukhi Music and Musicology anywhere where it is played, where the World Continental Nations of Music, namely the Holy Israel (with Holy Palestine), Holy Vatican and even Holy Shri Harmandir Sahib (with Shri Akal Takhat Sahib) take lesser Part in UNO Streams, but more in the PoWR Streams with their Respective Genealogical Streams as well.
In all of it, the World Music with 3 of these Streams is also present in the EK Gurmukhi Music with its Center at Holy Shri Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) in Shri Amritsar Sahib, while all of it is also present in EK Gurmukhi Music and Musicology anywhere where it is played as well.
Furthermore, all of it in the EK Gurmukhi Music and Musicology also uses the Rabab, Tabla and Harmonium Streams, where all of it is also like the Sacred Gurmukhi Gurbani Composition of Gagan Mein Thaal, the Cosmic Plate of Cymatics as Aarti by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji can also become the India International and World Anthem, Language of Music and Message of World Peace in UNO and Worldwide with Parliament of the World's Religion with WIPO Approach as suggested by Ravindranath Tagore, the Nobel Prize Winner as well.
One may also read more about it in the following Research Publication as well:
Quick Research Publication Reference: [1] UNESCO, World Indigenous Alphabets, Languages, Music, WIPO Indigenous, TK, TCE, Genealogies, WIPO Green and Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University (
[2] Facebook Page Discussions: Indigenous Languages Decade 2022-32 WIPO Gurmukhi Punjabi Dialects & Geni’s (About Facebook Page) ( (End of Special Remarks and Discussions on How and Why WIPO Plays Greater Role in World Alphabets, Languages and Music)
Furthermore, all of it is based on the Practical, Real and Daily Life Learning, Study and Research of Theory of Elements, which is used in Creation of Alphabet, Script, Language and Music (with WIPO Music and Newly Formed WIPO Creators) Streams in Family, Community, Religion, Traditional and Modern Education Streams from Home and School to College and University Levels as well.
All of it is also linked to Corrections for the Tatta-Tainka Manipulations as published in Different Research Publications with References as given in this Research Publication as well.
Thanks for your precious time!
Greater Need of Minority Badges in the World Minority Languages: It is also to be remarked here again that the Sikhs with Gurmukhi Punjabi Alphabet, Language and Script Systems, and they, the Sikhs are also Main Minority in India with about 1.7% Population, and thus it is also a Special R&D Case for World Minorities in India and even elsewhere, where the Sikh Gurus invented and founded the Gurmukhi Theory of Elements, Alphabet, Language and Script.
There is yet another Minority Category even among the Sikhs are also Main Minority in India with about 1.7% Population, and that is of the Baptized (Amritdhari) Sikhs, who seem to be far below in count that what Minority Systems may consider as the Minority, and thus all of it also needs How the Minorities and Sub-Minorities exist and survive within the Minority and Majority Systems and Streams, which also need Greater Attention from WHO especially during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Post-Pandemic and Feared Lost Decade of 2021-31 as well.
It is also discussed more in the following Blogging Research Post:
Quick Blogging Research Post Reference: [1] Set of Solutions for Health, Psychology and Psychiatry Harming Tatta-Tainka Letter Manipulations in Gurmukhi Punjabi Alphabet, Language, Music and Covid-19 with Hypothesis of Philselfology as submitted to Prime Minister Offices, which the PM Offices also Sent to Ministry of Education with Healthy Responses and Replies from Bhasha Vibhag Language Department and Human Rights Commission of Punjab for World Minority Issues in India and Worldwide (
Thanks again for your precious time!