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Casa Areyto
At Casa Areyto, we envision a world in which Taíno descendants know who they are and where they come from. To that end, we work to revitalize the Taíno language and culture (assumed lost for 500+ years). Join our efforts to bring back Taíno because together we can do it! Casa Areyto is the sole [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish with English and French subtitles About the presentation: The archeologist for the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture, Dr. Pérez Merced presents some of the incredible archeological finds made on previously unexplored sites off the San Juan coast. He also discusses the impact climate change has had and will continue to have on [...]
ГПОУ ЯО "Ярославский колледж кульутры"
21 февраля на предметно-цикловой комиссии «Театральное творчество» Ярославского колледжа культуры состоялись литературные чтения «По страницам национального фольклора». Мероприятие одновременно посвящено двум культурным событиям – Международному дню родного языка и Международному десятилетию языков коренных народов, цель которых – повышать осведомленность мирового сообщества о языковом и культурном разнообразии народов. Организаторы и ведущие программы – студенты 2 курса [...]
Министерство по национальной политике и делам религий Республики Дагестан
Ежегодно 21 февраля отмечается Международный день родного языка. Язык несет в себе богатство культурного наследия и является ключевым элементом самоидентификации народа. Это инструмент передачи знаний, традиций, мудрости предков. Важно сохранять, уважать и развивать свой родной язык, так как это способствует сохранению культурного многообразия и укреплению единства многонациональной России. Мероприятие, посвященное Международному дню родного языка, прошло [...]
Министерство по национальной политике и делам религий Республики Дагестан
Сегодня, 20 февраля, В Дагестанском государственном педагогическом университете имени Р. Гамзатова прошло закрытие Недели родных языков, посвященное Международному дню родного языка. В мероприятии принял участие министр по национальной политике и делам религий Республики Дагестан Энрик Муслимов. В мероприятии приняли участие министр по национальной политике и делам религий Республики Дагестан Энрик Муслимов, ректор Дагестанского государственного педагогического [...]
Министерство по национальной политике и делам религий Республики Дагестан
Сегодня, 20 февраля, в конференц-зале Министерства по национальной политике и делам религий РД прошел круглый стол «Родной язык – душа народа», посвященный Международному дню родного языка, который отмечается во всем мире 21 февраля. В мероприятии приняли участие министр по национальной политике и делам религий РД Энрик Муслимов, председатель Совета старейшин при Главе РД Ибрагим Ибрагимов, [...]
Galerie de photo
Institute for the Development of Education
On February 16, 2024, the Interregional Conference “Avksentiy Filippovich Yurtov – the first enlightener of the Mordovian people” took place at the Historical and Memorial Center-Museum of I.A. Goncharov. It was attended by teachers, representatives of regional national-cultural autonomies, as well as guests from the Republic of Mordovia, Bashkortostan, and the Penza region. The work [...]
Accademia Napoletana
On the occasion of the International Mother Language Day 2024 as Accademia Napoletana a scientific group to promote and teach Neapolitan language Neapolitan, we introduce to the actual situation of a vulnerable language in Italy: Neapolitan, a mother tongue that is not taught in schools, and abandoned to social and cultural degradation. A language that [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: English and Spanish with French subtitles About the presentation: Can we break the silence by utilizing the fine arts and cinema to impact the next generations of Puerto Ricans? Often, the Puerto Rican culture representation on different platforms lack appropriate social norms, social behaviors, beliefs, and capabilities. Is it time to make a [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish with English & French subtitles Join the Reencuentro Taíno Conference ribbon cutting with musical performances, keynote speakers, art exhibit, and display of historical replicas with participation by the following organizations: Casa Areyto Municipality of Canóvanas, PR Máscaras de Puerto Rico Casa Museo Jesús T. Piñero Instituto de Cultura [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation languages: English, Spanish, Hiwatahia Taíno, French Enjoy this musical performance by Ra Ruiz León “Jikotea Niaku’no” & Irka Mateo Follow Ra Ruiz León: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Follow Irka Mateo: Website: Instagram: Facebook: About Reencuentro Taíno Conference: This first-of-its kind event, focused on the evolution of the Taíno language [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish with English subtitles Enjoy this musical performance by Bomba de Aquí Follow Bomba de Aquí: Website: Instagram: Facebook: About Reencuentro Taíno Conference: This first-of-its kind event, focused on the evolution of the Taíno language and featured linguists working on language revitalization, archeologists, artists, musicians, spiritual leaders, and esteemed members [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: English with Spanish and French subtitles About the presentation: What are some of the challenges we face as we revitalize our Indigenous language? What are some of the rewards? Joining us at this roundtable discussion will be teachers of different Taíno variants, all with the same goal. They will explain their views on [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish with English & French subtitles About the presentation: One of the most controversial matters in Puerto Rico’s archaeology has been the discovery of a highly enigmatic collection of anthropomorphic figurines with inscriptions, known as the ‘Stones of Father Nazario’ or the ‘Library of Agüeybaná.’ Based on a systematic study and available documentary [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish with English & French subtitles About the presentation: In recent decades, archaeological studies in Puerto Rico have reaffirmed the growing strength of the heritage and legacy of our indigenous native peoples. Significant research projects highlight the origins, extensive networks of navigation and exchange, technological capabilities, genetic heritage, and the social and cultural [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish with English & French subtitles About the presentation: The Catalog of Archeology isa sample of the Indigenous legacy of Puerto Rico, illustrating its history through objects and artifacts, which give way to the pre-Columbian archeological universe. In the 396-page color book, 121Indigenous pieces are presented out of over 20,000 held by the [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish/English with Spanish/English subtitles About the presentation: Kiwari Taino Ahuiki’no (Queer Taino Voices), a project by Ra Jikotea Niaku’no (Ra Ruiz León) began as an effort to document the life stories of Queer Taino folks. In this panel discussion, we will be in conversation with several LGBT2s members of our community who will [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish with English subtitles About the presentation: In the tradition of our Taíno ancestors, there were two positions of authority and leadership that correspond to two requirements of indigenous society. One of these requirements is the need for a political guide or governor. The other is the need for an individual who possesses [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish with English subtitles About the presentation: Based on the etymological dictionary of jíbaro voices by Mr. Oscar “Oki” Lamourt Valentín (researcher, anthropologist, and linguist) as well as his own studies of Yucatec Maya, Mr. Uahtibili Báez Santiago presents us with evidence of the Mayan origin of the Indigenous words that have survived [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish with English subtitles About the presentation: Culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP) must go beyond celebrating cultural holidays, arts, heroes and food; it must create awareness around different cultures, language, power relationships, and address discrimination, misconceptions and racism. Developing content, applying restorative circles, using scaffolding and instruction that embrace students’ cultures and experiences takes [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish with English & French subtitles About the presentation: Up to this point, Tibes is the oldest ceremonial center in the Caribbean. Since its discovery in the seventies, this site has been interpreted as one of the earliest pieces of evidence of chiefdoms in the region. However, research at the site has shown [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: English with Spanish subtitles About the presentation: 7000 Languages is a non-profit organization with a mission to empower Indigenous and minoritized communities to teach, learn, and sustain their endangered languages; and have supported communities to develop free language-learning resources, at zero cost. During this session, Executive Director, Stephanie Witkowski will provide tips for [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: English with Spanish & French subtitles About the presentation: The Taino language disappeared a long time ago, and all that was left were words passed down from generation to generation or recorded by Spanish chroniclers. Those recorded were mostly nouns, making language revival next to impossible. Higuayagua has now created its own Taino [...]
Casa Areyto
Presentation language: Spanish with English & French subtitles About the presentation: In 2018, the revitalization of the Taíno language began with the creation of Tainonaíki. Created by the Puerto Rican hyperpolyglot, Javier A. Hernández, this modern variant of the language allowed us to speak the language in complete sentences for the first time in 500 [...]