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Pawo Wróbel
Ge ´nar ´bede bi mede ar Juliana Maye ar ñähñu mengu Ns´ōtk´ani, Idalgo
Pawo Wróbel
The cornfield feed us. It gives us the corn that God (Jwä) sowed to make the dough from which we were made thousands of years ago, when he decided that we would populate the world. He created many colours for us; he made the color of the cobs for us. Red corn, White, black, yellow, [...]
Pawo Wróbel
“Cosmovisión Hñäññho”, una forma de sentir, contar y mirar el mundo – Ar thonduximhai ya hñañho: honja da thandi, da ts´a ne da ´bede ar ximhai.
State Library of Queensland
As part of State Library’s commitment to the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, we will be promoting a ‘word of the week’ from one of the 125+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages and dialects from across Queensland. To coincide with the Melbourne Cup, this week’s word is yaraman [pronounced yah-rah-man]; variations of the [...]
State Library of Queensland
As part of State Library’s commitment to the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, we will be promoting a ‘word of the week’ from one of the 125+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages and dialects from across Queensland. This week’s word is mija [pronounced mee-jah] from the Dyirbal language of North Queensland. It means [...]
Kiwa Digital Ltd
PILBARA LANGUAGES ON A PATH TO DIGITISATION Indigenous languages of Western Australia are on the path to digitisation with the help of an Australian Government Commonwealth Grant. The Wangka Maya Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre launched today a series of four immersive apps produced in the Digital Innovation Hub the Centre has established with the funding. [...]
Translation Commons
Translation Commons’ motto is “No language and no linguist ever left behind.” IYIL2019 represents a great opportunity to put our values into practice, and donate our highly committed team’s time in benefit of indigenous people. To support efforts to protect all indigenous languages, Translation Commons has formed a civil social partnership with IYIL2019 initiative. Translation [...]
Translation Commons
Translation Commons presents all the projects under the IYIL 2019. Translation Commons is a social-civil partner IYIL 2019 and has agreed to work on two important projects. The response from volunteer language professionals all over the word has been exceptional. The promise of digitizing so many more speakers globally mobilized linguists, academics, and companies alike, [...]
Translation Commons
A video lecture on effects of climate change to Saami people. Lecture is given in North Saami language and subtitled in English.
Galerie de photo
Translation Commons
Students from the College of Charleston will present a series of posters to raise awareness of the linguistic diversity and the revitalization efforts of different indigenous languages in the Western Hemisphere. These posters will be ‘unveiled’ at an event co-sponsored by the Linguistics Program and the Linguistics Club on October 22, 2019 and will remain [...]
Mario Ramão Villalva Filho
No dia 24 de outubro, faleceu o líder espiritual guarani (xamói) Gerônimo Kunumi Reronhangareko Vogado (20/02/1920 – 24/10/2019). Em vídeo inédito gravado no final de 2018 em Guarani e Legendado em português neste mês de outubro (2019), ele insta os parentes indígenas a seguir mantendo a sua cultura e a sua forma de vida originárias, [...]
Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle
Le Cercle Notre-Dame de Guadalupe accueille avec gratitude l’Année 2019 des langues autochtones des Nations Unies. À cette occasion, nous publions un message à tous les Canadiens accompagné d’une vidéo qui souligne l’importance de la promotion et de la préservation des langues autochtones au Canada et à l’étranger. Le Cercle considère ce travail comme un [...]
Translation Commons
A video lecture on effects of climate change to Saami people. Lecture is given in North Saami language and subtitled in English.
Galerie de photo
Rahul ghodam
Gond tribe Community who are one of the Indigenous community of INDIA. GOndi Language is Mother tongue of GOnds.
State Library of Queensland
As part of State Library’s commitment to the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, we will be promoting a ‘word of the week’ from one of the 125+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages and dialects from across Queensland. This week’s word is thirra [pronounced thee-rah with a rolled ‘r’] from the Muruwari language of [...]
Galerie de photo
Stefanie Pillai
A sharing session with presenters from a local radio station that broadcasts in four Orang Asli languages was held on 12 October 2019. Two ASYIKfm ( radio presenters, Hardy and Kathy, both Orang Aslis themselves, shared the history of ASYIKfm, the only Orang Asli radio station in Malaysia, and its efforts to document and popularize [...]