IV International scientific and practical conference “Folklore of Paleoasiatic peoples”
The IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Folklore of Paleoasiatic Peoples” was organized by the Sakhalin Regional Folk Art Center within the framework of a grant project with the support of Sakhalin Energy LLC and the Ministry of Culture and Archives of the Sakhalin Region.
The purpose of the conference: preservation, development and popularization of the intangible cultural heritage and languages of the Paleoasiatic peoples.
The conference was attended by philologists, folklorists, ethnographers, musicologists, art historians, culturologists, museologists, local historians, representatives of public organizations of indigenous minorities of the North and everyone interested in the problems of the conference from the Sakhalin region, regions of the Russian Federation and abroad.
Within the framework of the conference, a scientific and practical training seminar for employees of cultural and leisure institutions of the Sakhalin region “Principles of describing objects of intangible cultural heritage” was held. The speaker of the seminar was Oksana E. Dobzhanskaya, Doctor of Art History, Professor of the Department of Art History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Expert Council on the Formation of Registers of Objects of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Russian Committee for the Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage under the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO.
The conference was started by a plenary session, the topics of which were: “Musical and folklore traditions of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East as objects of intangible cultural heritage (using the example of the analysis of regional registers of the ICH)”, speaker O.E. Dobzhanskaya (Krasnoyarsk Territory), “The image of the bear in the mythology of the Nivkh and Ainu”, speaker M.V. Osipova (Leningrad region, St. Petersburg).
Then the work of the thematic sections “Folklore and ethnography of Paleoasiatic peoples: problems of collecting, studying, publishing” and “Experience of preserving the intangible cultural heritage of Paleoasiatic peoples in the activities of cultural and educational institutions” began.
Within the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia, the organizer provided an extensive cultural program for participants.
The Conference resulted in the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the preservation and development of cultures, as well as the exchange of invaluable experience in the field of preservation and popularization of folklore of Paleoasiatic peoples.