document-fr | Tsotsil and Neapolitan: languages that struggle inside and outside school

This article for the South Florida Journal of Development (Miami, v.5, n.2. p.869-880,2024. ISSN 2675-5459) aims to discuss the situation of the minority languages Tsotsil in Chiapas, Mexico and Neapolitan inNaples, Italy. Although each of these languages inhabits a different continent, both share similar realities regarding their disadvantageous situation inside and outside the school system.
The dominant society of both Mexico and Italy has promoted their language and culture, thus invalidating the linguistic and cultural rights of minority groups; indigenous peoples in the case of Mexico, and Neapolitan people in the case of Italy.
Both the school and the education and the hegemonic social system have functioned as agents of linguistic and cultural oppression and promoters of monolingualism in the country's dominant language.
Therefore, it is underlined that it is important to redirect both the educational and school systems in order to take back the real purpose of education which is the art of humanizing that aims to eradicate any form of discrimination, exclusion or manipulation. Keywords:education, linguistic minorities, Neapolitan, school, Tsotsil.