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Stavropol State Museum
В Международный день письма, в музее-усадьбе художника и учителя рисования В.И. Смирнова стартовал конкурс каллиграфии «Пиши красиво»
Elisabeth Taugboel
Elisabeth Taugboel
linguistic atlas of jaberg and jud
Mario Venturini
Diamo copia delle mappe nel censimento linguistico ed etnografico di “Sprach und Sach Atlas italiens und der südschweiz” pubblicate dal 1928 al 1956 e poi usate nel 1977 per disegnare le isoglosse sulla Carta dei Dialetti a cura di Giovan Battista Pellegrini e Manlio Cortelazzo della Università di Padova, con un frammento della carta 1199 [...]
lumbard family in a rice field on a tow tractor
Mario Venturini
Un dialetto indigeno è un modo o un metodo di parlare una lingua madre, non è una forma astratta di pensiero, ma un comportamento tipico di un gruppo sociale, che condivide con un gruppo etnico più vasto una maniera tipica di parlare: quindi è un modo o metodo che condivide con altri gruppi sociali (e [...]
Mario Venturini
Nel medioevo il “latine loqui” sopravvive soltanto nella nobiltà, sempre sottomessa al Clero, che non può impedire al “romanice parabolare” intermedio tra dialetto e latino di volgarizzarsi, e di farsi strada grazie agli scrittori di opere monumentali come Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio, da cui anche una “toscanizzazione” in concorrenza con il volgare provenzale, lombardo, catalano, [...]
Alena Gavrilenko
This collection comprises legal acts guaranteeing the rights of small-numbered indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, including international treaties, federal legislation and subordinate acts, and court decisions as of April 2023. The publication has been prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Nationalities of [...]
Book Cover
Alena Gavrilenko
Это втрое дополненное издание cборника, в котором представлены правовые акты, гарантирующие права коренных малочисленных народов Российской Федерации, включая международные договоры, федеральное законодательство и подзаконные акты, судебные решения по состоянию на июль 2023 г. Издание подготовлено Министерством иностранных дел Российской Федерации во взаимодействии с Федеральным агентством по делам национальностей, Ассоциацией коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и [...]
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
On August 10, 2023, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan held a meeting of the National education section of the August meeting of education and science workers of the Republic of Tatarstan and a seminar-meeting with curators of national education, heads of educational organizations with instruction in their native (Tatar) [...]
Accademia Napoletana
To preserve Neapolitan Language and Heritage of Campania Region we realized a video-song thanks to Maestro Raffaele Traisci. We wish to pay homage to Maestro Marcello Colasurdo passed on July 5, 2023 Marcello Colasurdo was the undisputed spokesman of the tammurriata ( the “dance on the drum”, an ancient folk dance of Campania) ,and the [...]
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Rostov Region «Don State Public Library»
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Rostov Region «Don State Public Library»
Institute for the Development of Education
Preservation of national values, creation of friendly alliances and unity of peoples are the tasks prioritized for the Ulyanovsk region. The plenary session of the Interregional Forum of native language teachers “Intercultural communication as a factor in strengthening the unity of the people” was held in the region on February 21, 2023 on the basis [...]
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Rostov Region «Don State Public Library»
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Rostov Region «Don State Public Library»
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Rostov Region «Don State Public Library»
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Rostov Region «Don State Public Library»
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Rostov Region «Don State Public Library»
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Rostov Region «Don State Public Library»
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Rostov Region «Don State Public Library»
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Rostov Region «Don State Public Library»
The Don State Public Library presents the project «Indigenous languages of Russia» within the framework of the International Decade of the Languages of the Indigenous Peoples of the World. The first episode is dedicated to the Veps language: who are the Veps, where they live, why the language has been left without writing for almost [...]
Библиотека Пушкина
24 мая во всех странах, где живут славяне, празднуют День славянской письменности и культуры. Этот день посвящен ученым и просветителям, создавшим впервые в мире славянское письмо. Это известные во всех славянских странах – Кирилл и Мефодий. Сотрудники библиотека им. А.С. Пушкина совместно с Духовно-просветительским центром провели литературно-исторический экскурс «Истоки родного слова». Ребята поделившись на две [...]
Mario Venturini
Le lingue indigene del hinterland Alpino si riconoscono nella più antica preistoria attorno al centro di origine delle piante coltivate, sulle Alpi Liguri a ridosso del 45° parallelo Nord, ma sono di tradizione più antica, non meno di qualsiasi altra lingua su questo pianeta, sia che fossimo evoluti dai proconsul e dalle australopitecinae oppure arrivati [...]