lien | On International Mother Language day start using Web accessibility tool of on websites

On International Mother Language day start using Web accessibility tool of on websites. As we know 21 February is International Mother Language Day.
We should also support Mother Languages, Web accessibility Tool of gives help to visit websites for local languages public. So, Implement the Web accessibility tool of on your all government websites.
New web accessibility tool missing by web accessibility evaluation tools or testing tools.
Robust: users must be able to access the content as technologies advance. The main rule of the WCAG. Private and government websites are following W3C's WCAG. Your website is your responsibility, you should copy or paste this new tool of on your websites, to get more growth in the world also. Our world has multiple mother languages and different health conditions for the public. Alphabets of domain names are also away from each other and in a language. So, 3 billion people can not type website names easily. If a person wants to open a website, then he or she needs to know about the alphabet of domains, and the proper eyes, hands, and fingers to type. Otherwise, that person needs a third person again and again. This tool limits the problem for the first time.
Why and demo :-
1. Open
2. Open a new tab.
3. Type in the address bar and any 3 keys that are in line on the keyboard. For example, ppooii or jjkkll and .com. it will be or
4. One will see again.
5. One can see the same website without long, and language alphabets. When one types any 3 keys twice, that means no need for any language. Now 3 billion regional and a billion disabled people can get benefits from this tool.
6. If a person wants to open, then he/she needs knowledge of the English alphabet, proper eyesight, working hands and fingers. Otherwise, he/she needs help from a third person.
7. Now they need this help for the next day, also, and so on. Now they depend on that person. With this tool, they will be independent.
If you are a website manager or owner, then how to use it?
For a website manager or owner
1. Copy the code
2. Paste the code on the website into a body tag.
3. Now upload it.
4. Open the website in the new tab.
5. Type in the new tab, or
For more details visit
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