My native language will live forever
A creative meeting “Bekharbu, bekar bu san nenanmott” “My native language will live forever” was held on 15th February 2023 at the National Library of the Chechen Republic named after A.A. Aydamirov as part of the implementation of the state national policy, the Year of the Chechen Language, announced in the Chechen Republic this year.
The Year of the Chechen Language is an important event in the republic. This is a good reason to recall the history of the development of the native language, to think about the attitude to the native language since language is the culture of the people.
At the meeting, the guests got acquainted with the book publications presented at the expanded book exhibition “Language is the soul of the people”.
The exhibition itself is a reminder of the importance of preserving traditions and purity of languages. Dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias on the Chechen language, books on the culture of the language, proverbs and sayings, works of Chechen writers were presented at the exhibition.
The guests were presented with the 10-volume dictionary “Nochiyn mettann iysiazdaran yokkhadosham” (“Large Chechen Spelling Dictionary”), published in 2021 by the Institute of the Chechen Language.
– It is thanks to the language that the traditions of peoples continue to live, the interest in the knowledge of the world is awakened. It is the language that unites people regardless of the place and time of their residence, – said Yakhita Dudaeva, the head of the Department of National and Local Historical Literature.
Tumani Visitayeva, a famous poetess, read her poems, answered the questions of the audience. She spoke about the importance of knowledge and learning native language – the reflection of the soul of the people.
An exhibition – exposition “Miracles of folk crafts” was organized in the library in order to introduce readers to folk decorative art, to develop their aesthetic feelings.
The art of folk crafts is a link between the past and the present, the present and the future.