Valentina Turovinina, the author of a language project from Krasnoselkupsky district, Yamal-Nenets autonomous okrug, won the grant competition of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs
Valentina Turovinina, the author of a language project from Krasnoselkupsky district, Yamal-Nenets autonomous okrug, won the grant competition of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs
Valentina’s project “Mother Tongue Is My Wealth” is devoted to learning the Selkup language. The Selkup Culture Center has bought a “Hummingbird” interactive panel. Kindergarten pupils and elementary school students will be able to learn the Selkup language via interactive games. So they will get acquainted with the Selkup alphabet, riddles, proverbs, sayings.
Valentina received 300 000 rubles to implement her project.