The VII Forum “Language Policy in the Russian Federation” (Moscow)
As part of the implementation of the Plan of Main Activities for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in the Russian Federation in 2022-2032, the VII Forum “Language Policy in the Russian Federation” (Moscow) will be held on December 7-8, 2023.
The Forum is timed to coincide with the Year of the Russian Language as a Language of Interethnic Communication in the CIS in 2023.
The Forum will discuss topical issues of state policy in the field of preserving the linguistic diversity of the Russian Federation, the search for ways to harmonize interethnic and interfaith relations through language communication, as well as new technological solutions to support and develop the languages of the peoples of Russia. Russian Russian will be given special attention to the discussion of the role of the Russian language in interethnic communication and the development of multilateral cultural and humanitarian cooperation related to the promotion of the Russian language abroad.
The Forum program includes a plenary session, expert meetings and thematic panel sessions. In addition, there will be an open meeting of the National Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in the Russian Federation in 2022-2032, as well as the awarding of the winners of the VII contest “All–Russian Public Prize for the Preservation of Linguistic Diversity of the Russian Federation “Keyword”.