The Union of the Karelian People is celebrating its anniversary!
Thirty–five years ago, activists of the Karelian national cultural movement united around the idea of creating a public organization.
Over the years of the Union‘s existence, much has been done. The team carefully preserves the best practices in the development and popularization of Karelian national culture and the Karelian language, and organizes many creative meetings, festivals, promotions, and master classes that bring together residents of the republic.
During the annual meeting, the members of the Union summed up the results of their work. The Chairman of the Union, Anna Yakovleva, presented the achievements of 2024. This year, the organization has implemented large-scale projects “Karelians in the modern world: Society. Language. Culture“ and “Karelia in person: A History. Language. Culture“ with the support of the Grants Fund of the Head of the Republic of Karelia.