The sixth Local History Conference “Lonin Readings” was held at the Sheltozer Veps Ethnographic Museum named after R.P. Lonin
This year‘s conference is dedicated to a significant event for the Vepsian people – the 35th anniversary of the Karelian regional public organization “Society of Vepsian Culture“.
The conference participants discussed important issues of preserving and developing the history and culture of the Veps as a unique part of the world cultural heritage and the national historical heritage of the Republic of Karelia.
There was also a presentation of a new textbook in the Vepsian language “SanuLugeKirjuta!“, which was published as part of the project of the Vepsian Culture Society with the support of the Grant Fund of the Head of the Republic.
The organizers of the conference, which takes place every two years, were the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Karelia and the National Museum of the Republic of Karelia with the support of the Ministry of National and Regional Policy of the Republic of Karelia, the Periodica Publishing House.