The runes of the epic “Kalevala” sounded again in Karelia and Udmurtia
On February 28, the day of the Karelian-Finnish epic Kalevala, the results of an online competition dedicated to the famous work were summed up.
Literary competition with the support of the Ministry of National and Regional Policy of the Republic of Karelia this year was held for the fifth time.
Petrozavodsk State University has traditionally organized the competition “Reading the runes of the epic Kalevala”.
However, this year has been special. For the first time, residents of the Udmurt Republic took part in the competition.
The winners were awarded with diplomas and prizes.
Pupils of secondary schools, students of universities and colleges, as well as residents of Karelia and Udmurtia in the age groups from 12 to 15 years old, from 16 to 23 years old and from 24 years old and older competed in reading runes in the Karelian, Veps and Finnish languages. Each contestant presented to the competition committee, which included representatives of PetrSU and the Ministry of National and Regional Policy of the Republic of Karelia, an excerpt from a world-famous epic. The jury had a difficult task to determine the best readers, evaluating pronunciation, emotionally-figurative expressiveness of performance and artistry.