The results of the contest of journalistic works in Karelian, Vepsian and Finnish languages have been summed up in the Republic of Karelia
A total of 48 works by 24 authors were submitted to the competition.
In the nomination “The best work in Karelian, Vepsian or Finnish, dedicated to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, in print media”:
1st place – the work in Karelian by Elena Ruppieva Kai livvin piämurdehen tärgiet sanakniigat ollah valmehet (“All important dictionaries of the Livvikov dialect of the Karelian language are ready”), published in the newspaper Oma Mua. The article tells about the Karelian language and the Grammatical and Spelling Dictionary of the Karelian language published in 2022 by T.P. Boyko.
2nd place – an article in Finnish by Margarita Pehkonen, published in the newspaper Karjalan Sanomat, Kansalliskuulttuurin kylvyssä Petroskoissa (“Youth immersed in the sphere of national culture in Petrozavodsk”). The article tells about the first Youth ethnosession of Ethnopro in Karelia.
3rd place – Daria Shvetsova’s journalistic work Kuki-rikku – videožurnal ozutab (“Kuki-rikku Magazine presents”), published in the newspaper Kodima and telling about the children’s humorous magazine in the national languages Kuki-rikku (“Somersault”).
In the nomination “The best work in Karelian, Vepsian or Finnish, dedicated to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, in electronic media”:
1st place – a radio program in the Vepsian language by Larisa Chirkova Openduzsessi vepsän kelen opendajile (“Educational session for teachers of the Vepsian language”), aired on the channel “Native Coast” and telling about the Republic of Karelia educational session on the Vepsian language for specialists from the Republic of Karelia, Leningrad and Vologda regions.
2nd place – news story in Karelian by Anastasia Shestak Muamankielen opastai Antonina Rossijeva (“Antonina Rossijeva’s Native Language Teacher”). According to the results of the republican contest “Teacher of the Year” Antonina Rossieva became the winner in the nomination “Teacher of the native language”.
3rd place – a news story in Karelian by Anna Turkina Karjalan da vepsän kielen sanelut 2022 (“Dictation in Karelian and Vepsian languages 2022”), telling about the traditional interregional action, which this year was attended by more than 1,200 residents of the Republic of Karelia, Tver, Leningrad and Vologda regions.
The following journalistic works were awarded with special diplomas of the Ministry of National and Regional Policy of the Republic of Karelia:
– transmission in Finnish by Evgenia Marionkina Kansallisen kasvot. Näyttelijäkurssi 1938-1943 (“The National Theater in persons. Acting workshop 1938 – 1943.”),
– article in Karelian by Tatiana Romanova Kaksi kul’tuurua – yksi roindumua (“Two cultures – one homeland”), dedicated to interregional cooperation of Karelians of the Republic of Karelia and the Tver region,
– radio program in Karelian by Anna Usova Vägie annetah juuret (“Forces give roots”) about the journalist, poet and translator G.E. Lettieva.
The winners were awarded on December 9, 2022 at the meeting of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and Holding of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages in the Republic of Karelia in 2022-2032. The winners of the competition were awarded diplomas and monetary prizes of the Ministry.