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The regional campaign of total reading “Reading Day”

On October 4, the Sverdlovsk Regional Interethnic Library became one of the main sites of the Regional total Reading campaign “Reading Day”.
On this day, meetings with writers, loud readings, literary games, flash mobs, performances, concerts were held throughout the region. Famous people of our region will tell children about their favorite books, and bookstores will organize a charity collection of books for remote rural libraries. It turned out to be a very eventful day for us, in the Sverdlovsk Regional Interethnic Library.
Evgeny Sergeyevich Kolosov, Acting Director of the Sverdlovsk International Library, welcomed the guests and participants of the action. Modern libraries are real cultural centers, but the main thing in them is still the book. Books and reading accompany us all our lives, it is not only cultural, but also intellectual and spiritual value.
Our long–time and respected friend, Alexander Petrovich Fedosov, winner of the national literary Prize named after P.P. Bazhov, winner of the prize of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation “Golden Pen of Russia”, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, historian-researcher, came to a meeting with students of the Yekaterinburg College of Arts. The creator of the national museum of the creative heritage of P. P. Bazhov “Malachite casket” in the homeland of fairy tales, in Polevskoye. The author of the book “The Main Flower of the Soviet Country”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the feature film “Stone Flower” in 1946. By a special decision of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore named after O. E. Kler, Alexander Fedosov was awarded the highest award – the medal named after the outstanding local historian Narkiz Chupin for his “great contribution to the study of the Urals”.
Alexander Petrovich is a tireless propagandist of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov’s work, his stories about the writer are always modern, relevant and always interesting. At the end of the meeting, A.P. Fedosov asked the audience several questions, and those who found the right answer received memorable gifts.
The program of the Reading Day was continued by the performance of young artists of the Yekaterinburg Children’s Art School No. 4 “Art Constellation”. The guys performed very professionally, classical and modern works in their performance sounded very touching and heartfelt.
The evening was continued by the presentation of a book about the famous Khanty artist Gennady Raishev, “The Symphony of Gennady Raishev”. Its author is Natalia Mikhailovna Paegle, a member of the Union of Journalists and the Union of Writers of Russia. She is a laureate of international and All-Russian literary prizes, graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural State University and worked for many years in city newspapers and as a public relations specialist in the cities of the Northern Urals. Since 2010, she has been living in Yekaterinburg, engaged in publishing and educational projects, and since 2015 has been heading the Department of Strategy and Information Policy of the Ural State Pedagogical University. Natalia Mikhailovna has published numerous articles in collections and magazines “Ural Pathfinder”, “Russian Migration”, “Photography and Life”, “Vesey” and more than 10 books, albums and photo albums on the history of the Urals (including in collaboration with V.V. Osipov): about the victims of political repression in the 1930s-1950s, Beloyarsk district and its enterprises, the city of Bogdanovich, etc. The historical and biographical essay “Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak” was published in 2017 in the series “The Life of wonderful Uralians” (Publishing House “Socrates”).
“The archive of Karpinsk contained letters from Gennady Stepanovich to his wife in different years, letters from artists and writers to Raishev, including from the famous poet Yuvan Shestalov,— Natalia Paegle said. — And the letters testify not only about the person, but also about the atmosphere of the Time, which is important for any creator. When the idea of a book arose three years ago, there were new interviews with those who knew Raishev, worked nearby, and communicated with him. There was a trip to Ugra, where an art gallery named after him was created during the artist’s lifetime (I knew Raishev’s work in the northern Urals, I was a witness, and Ugra in the artist’s life, his work there was an expected discovery). In the book, thanks to various genres, including the now rare epistolary one, I wanted to trace how a boy from the deep Khanty village of Sivokhrebt “through” studying in Leningrad, a long stop in Karpinsk grew into an original artist with a special mission — a guide from the culture of the indigenous people to modern man and Space. The idea of the book did not claim to be an art criticism study. This is a biographical sketch…”
These letters became the basis of the book. Some of them were read out at the presentation by Vadim Osipov, Associate Professor of Graphic Design at the Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Yekaterinburg branch of the Union of Writers of Russia. Laureate of the “Circular Bowl” award of Yekaterinburg writers for 2005, the medal “For Service to Literature” of the Association of Writers of the Urals, as well as the laureate of the All-Russian Literary Prize named after P.P. Bazhov for 2008.
The audience listened with great interest to the performance of Natalia Paegle and Vadim Osipov, and asked many questions.
The Day of Reading in the Interethnic Library ended with a large and bright concert of national cultural associations of Yekaterinburg.