The interregional competition of readers “My life rang with a song among the people” solemnly summed up its results
On February 17, 2024, the Interregional Reading Contest “My Life rang with a song among the people”, dedicated to the work of the great Tatar poet, anti-fascist, hero of the Soviet Union Musa Jalil, which has already become traditional and beloved by participants, was successfully held at the Municipal Cultural Institution “National Cultural Complex of S. Arakayevo”. The organizers of the competition were the Municipal Cultural Institution “National Cultural Complex S. Arakayevo” and the state budgetary institution of culture of the Sverdlovsk region “Sverdlovsk Regional Interethnic Library” with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk region.
More than 80 applications from the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions were submitted to participate in the competition. The interregional competitions held in Arakayevo have one distinctive feature, they are not limited to age, they preserve the traditions of generational continuity. Along with very young seven-year-old participants, elderly, wise, gray-haired veterans of labor and the stage compete in professional skills in their age category, thereby passing the baton of generations and teaching the young. They are a beacon, they are an example for the young, an example of how tenderly and sensitively one should treat the artistic word, an example of how one should selflessly love and appreciate one’s Homeland, sung in the poems of Musa Jalil, which were read in Russian and Tatar. Love for the Motherland, for mother, patriotism, condemnation of lies, betrayal, barbarism, and the ideology of fascism are the main leitmotif of Jalil’s works.
The youngest participant, Ruslana Nurgaleeva, is only seven years old, and the oldest, Gazima Faskhutdinovna Khakimova, who became the winner of the competition, is 84 years old. Gazima apa came to the award ceremony with tears in her eyes – tears of happiness, tears of joy and gratitude. “I have spent my entire adult life at the teacher’s desk teaching children to read and write, on stage in my free time as part of the Sardaria ensemble. My whole life is dedicated to you, my grateful viewers and listeners, thank you so much for this,” Gazima Faskhutdinovna said, wiping away tears and clutching the laureate’s diploma tighter.
The competition is really developing and growing, attracting young people and the younger generation, and it is also gratifying that young people and the younger generation are happy to participate in it, and we, as members of the jury, see this creative growth with our own eyes. Once timid, awkward performances and the first movements on the stage of regular participants, today can be compared to professionals, they constantly work on themselves, study, they put their soul into the performed works, causing the body to be covered with tremors and goose bumps. This is the height of professionalism, making us believe in what is happening on stage, despite the fact that we are only children in front of us. This generation really has a future and the hope that a future worthy change will grow out of them and they will find their place to be realized in our great country – Russia.
By a unanimous decision of the jury, Roman Kazantsev from Novouralsk was recognized as the Grand Prix winner.
The titles of the winner of the competition were awarded to: Vladimir Shchipanov from Mikhailovsk, Darius Vagapov from Urmikeevo, Elizabeth Bespalova from Mikhailovsk, Khanova Laysan from Arakayevo, Anton Vavenko from Mikhailovsk, Alyona Zinnatova from Krasnoufimsky district, Dina Afrizunova from Urmikeevo, Veronika Shafagatova from Urmikeevo, Barkhaeva Lily of the Valley from Arty-Shigirei, Gazima Khakimova from Arakayevo
Diplomas of the 1st degree were awarded:
Sokolkin Ignat, Zakharov Stanislav, Solomatov Ilya, Shchipanova Olga from Mikhailovsk, Barkhaeva Fidania from Arty-Shigirei, Galimova Aisha from Urmikeevo, Meshkova Daria from Mikhailovsk, Khakimova Dinara from Arakayevo, Gulnur Rakhmatullina from the Chelyabinsk region.
Diplomas of 2 degrees were awarded:
Akzhichetova Adelina from Arakayevo, Burova Mariana from Arty-Shigirei, Sayfullina Karina, Mushegova Tatiana from Mikhailovsk, Shamshitova Ilsia, Muzipova Samira from Ufa-Shigirei, Aptrakhmanova Rosalia from Akbash, Zainap Mukhtasarova from Bakiykovo.
Diplomas of 3 degrees were awarded:
Buchelnikov Dmitry, Mushikhina Polina, Galimyanova Alice, Makeev Mark from Mikhailovsk, Galimyanova Nadia, Bilalova Adelina from Ufa-Shigirei, Victoria Vakhitova, Akhmatgaraeva Renata, Khaerzamanova Maryam from Shokurovo, Gilmitdinova Farkhana from the Chelyabinsk region, Bayrambika Zakirova from Akbash.
Diplomas of the special prize were awarded to:
Milena Alikhamova, Aliya Akhmetova from Ufa-Shigirei.
The interregional reading contest “My Life rang like a song among the people” turned over another worthy page of its history, showing the vital importance and necessity of educating the younger generation on the best examples of patriotism, highlighting the glorious history of our great Motherland and its achievements to the youth and the younger generation! For the sake of prosperity and development of our great Russia!