Day of Slavic Literature and Culture
On 24 May, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, the House of the Peoples of Russia took part in the series of celebration events.
The Slavic Fund of Russia held prayer service and concert in Moscow at the monument to Saint Cyril and Methodius. Natalia Altner, Advisor to the Head of the House of the Peoples of Russia, and Feride Aroniia, Head of the Department for the Support and Development of languages of the peoples of Russia, participated in the wreath-laying ceremony and congratulated the audience on the occasion together with the representatives of the embassies of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Serbia, and representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation, the Union of Orthodox Women, and national cultural organizations.
The House of the peoples of Russia prepared television program dedicated to the History of celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture in Russia. Igor Krugovykh, Deputy Chairman of the Council for Ethnic affaires under the Moscow City Government, and Kirill Mireisky, Director of the Slavic Fund of Russia, became guest experts. They talked about the process of the construction of the monument to Cyril and Methodius in Moscow and traditional celebration on this day. The representative of the House of the peoples of Russia shared its initiatives on the preservation and promotion of the Russian language on the international stage.
The Department for the Support and Development of languages of the peoples of Russia presented material about Saints Cyril and Methodius, history of the Slavic alphabet in the Old Russian language in its social networks.