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Sverdlovsk region celebrated the Day of the Peoples of the Middle Urals

On the last Sunday of August, the Sverdlovsk Region celebrated the Day of the Peoples of the Middle Urals on a grand scale.

This holiday was established by the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region in 2002 on the initiative of national public associations in order to strengthen friendship and mutual respect of representatives of different nationalities living in our region.

This large-scale celebration of pride and recognition of all nationalities living in the Sverdlovsk region is celebrated annually with concerts, festivities and festivals, where national cultural organizations present their culture, creativity, crafts and life to the audience.

This year, the Taganskaya Sloboda Family recreation Park became the main venue of the festival in Yekaterinburg. It houses 26 national farmsteads, creative and craft workshops, fairs, as well as a visiting reading room of the Sverdlovsk Regional Interethnic Library.

The International Library annually participates in the celebration of the Day of the Peoples of the Middle Urals. The library has long-standing partnership and friendly relations with many national and cultural organizations.

This year, the library staff prepared a book exhibition, intellectual quizzes, master classes and a literary marathon for the guests of the holiday.

The book exposition featured publications in different languages about the numerous peoples of Russia, books on decorative and applied arts, folk art and national costumes. The book exhibition was decorated with the art project “Teachers and Educators” – posters depicting outstanding educators of different nations and quotes from their works, prepared by the International Library for the Year of the Teacher and Mentor.

The participants of the intellectual quiz were able to learn more about the history of the city of Yekaterinburg and get acquainted with the traditions of numerous peoples of Russia. And for the correct answers, you could get a small memorable gift.

Throughout the day, workshops on the manufacture and decoration of book accessories with the symbols of the city of Yekaterinburg and souvenirs in ethnic style were held at the site of the International Library.

The literary marathon attracted the attention of poetry lovers. Here everyone could read poems by famous poets and their own works, including in different languages.