Students from Morocco read Pushkin’s poems in Arabic
Gallery | Students From Morocco Read Pushkin’s Poems In Arabic
A poetry evening dedicated to the birthday of the greatest Russian poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was held in the Regional Universal Scientific Library.
The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Policy and Public Relations of the region, national cultural organizations of the region and the public Chamber of the region, as well as students of educational organizations of Saratov.
The event was organized by the Ministry of Internal Policy and Public Relations of the region with the support of the Saratov regional public cultural and educational organization “Vozrojdenie” and the Saratov regional public organization “National-Cultural Uzbek Center “Turan” (“Country”).
The guests were greeted by Acting Deputy Minister of Internal Policy and Public Relations of the region Nikolay Semenov. He noted that our region is multi-ethnic and such events help representatives of different cultures to unite through poetry.
“Poetry is the unifying component of our people, and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself is the soul of our multinational Russia! I wish all the participants of the poetry evening an endless supply of inspiration and creativity for the benefit of our multinational people!”, said Nikolay Semenov.
At the beginning of the event, a rare exhibition from the funds of the Regional Universal Scientific Library was presented. Two books with poems by Alexander Pushkin, published during his lifetime, are presented. There are also three miniatures of books in the collection, the smallest of which is no more than 3 centimeters high.
As part of the poetry evening, the reading of poems and parts of Alexander Pushkin’s works in the languages of the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation took place. The poem “I remember a wonderful moment…” was quoted by students from Morocco in Arabic, French and English. The poem “To the Nanny” was read in the Turkmen language. Classical works in Hebrew and Azerbaijani languages were also performed. In addition, the works of famous poets were read – Gabdulla Tukai, Rasul Gamzatov, Alisher Navoi and many others.
All readers were awarded certificates of participation in the poetry evening.