Spoken: celebrating Queensland languages
“Imagine being the last person to know a language spoken for thousands of years.”
Spoken: celebrating Queensland languages is a free thought-provoking exhibition about the survival and revival of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.
Over 125 Queensland languages were once spoken, now around 50 of these remain spoken daily. Join the journey of six Queensland communities saving their traditional languages.
Spoken presents an alternative retelling of the prevailing colonial narrative – placing rare historical records alongside the inspiring work of contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists who tell their own language stories through art, song and creativity.
View Australia’s most significant historical document in a new light. James Cook’s Endeavour Journal holds the first 130 Aboriginal words ever recorded by Europeans in the Guugu Yimidhirr language but hear the Guugu Yimidhirr perspective of those interactions with the foreign explorers.
Rediscover Queensland languages lost and reawakened by the strength of culture, identity and connection to Country.
Featuring the exciting work of communities reviving and thriving in language: Wik (Aurukun), Guugu Yimidhirr (Hope Vale), Yuwibara (Mackay), Yugambeh (South-East Queensland), Kala Lagaw Ya & Miriam Mir (Torres Strait Islands) and Bidjara, Iningai, Wangkangurru and Yarluyandi (Central West Queensland region).
State Library celebrates the International Year of Indigenous Languages.
James Cook’s Endeavour Journal is on loan from National Library of Australia until 10 March 2020.