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Side event on IYIL2019 – UNPFII 2019

In the context of the 18th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) 

Quadrimester Review –
sharpening a global response on the organization of the

2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages


Major objectives of the side event

Some progress is being made on raising awareness on a critical loss of indigenous languages around the world, since the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the International Year of Indigenous Languages (Resolution A/RES/71/178) in 2016.

The Action Plan for the organization of the International Year in 2018 called for a coherent approach and for collaborative action by all stakeholders to achieve maximal positive impact and social change.

UNESCO, serving as the lead organization for the International Year, in cooperation with members of the Steering Committee for the organization of the International Year, organizes a side event to review achievements of the first months of the year (quadrimester) and sharpen our discussions on immediate actions required and to be taken by all stakeholders for the implementation of the International Year.

The side event will be attended by the representatives of Member States, members of the UN Permanent Forum, indigenous peoples, research and civil society organizations, UN-system entities and other partners. Discussion would lead to new insights for participants on partnership opportunities, upcoming events and initiatives.

Agenda of the side event

Opening remarks by the moderator:

  • Ms Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg, Knowledge Societies Division, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO


  • Mr Diego Tituana, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility(Ecuador)
  • Mr Craig Ritchie, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (Australia)
  • Ms Aili Keskitalo, President, Sami Parliament (Norway)
  • Mr Handaine Mohammed Representative, Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (Morocco)
  • Mr Nicolas Barla, Member, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) (India)
  • Ms Kristen Carpenter, Member of the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Issues (EMRIP)
  • Ms Rebecka Forsgren, Indigenous Fellow, Traditional Division, Global Issues Sector, WIPO

Q&A and general discussion