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Republican House of Friendship of Peoples celebrated Ossetian Language and Literature Day

Fascinating quizzes, informative video quizzes, interesting competitions and brain-teasers gathered representatives of scientific and creative intelligentsia, children of national-cultural and literary associations of the republic, students and pupils of preschool institutions in the cozy assembly hall of the Republican House of Friendship of Peoples on 14 May. All were united by one thing – love for the Ossetian language and literature.

Oleg Kumallagov, Deputy Minister for National Policy and External Relations of RNO-Alania, gave a rousing welcome to the audience.

‘It is our great privilege to work together to preserve and develop the Ossetian language and to popularise the historical and cultural heritage of the Ossetian people. Events like this are a wonderful way to motivate children and youth to study the Ossetian language. I thank everyone for their participation, interest and enthusiasm and congratulate them on the holiday – the Day of Ossetian Language and Literature!’ Kumallagov noted.

All the contestants blew the jury away! The distinguished participants of the special event were given certificates and children’s magazines ‘Ногдзау’. It was a real pleasure for Alexander Okhotnikov, director of the Republican House of Peoples’ Friendship, to take part in the celebrations.

The jury members were also given gifts and letters of thanks by Lyudmila Tikhonova, chairperson of the regional branch of the Union of Women of Russia.