Regional competition of the German pop song “Weihnachtsstern – Christmas Star”
In December 2022, the anniversary XXV regional competition of the German pop song “Weihnachtsstern – Christmas Star” was held in the Omsk Region. The final round was held in the Azov German National Municipal District, which celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2022.
The regional competition of the German pop song “Weihnachtsstern – Christmas Star” is an open creative competition of amateur groups of cultural institutions, centers of German culture, national cultural associations of Russian Germans. The competition is held among performers over 18 years old. There are two nominations in the competition: “Solo singing” and “Vocal ensemble”.
The anniversary regional competition was attended by 7 soloists, 12 ensembles from eight municipal districts of the Omsk region – Azov German National, Isilkulsky, Lyubinsky, Odessa, Poltava, Tavrichesky, Sherbakulsky and the city of Omsk.
By tradition, the competition program began with the performance of the winner of the previous competition.
In 2022, the right to open the anniversary competition program belonged to Alexandra Klimova, representing the Bolsherechensky Center for German Culture “Edelweiss”, the winner of the XXIV Regional German Pop Song Contest “Weihnachtsstern – Christmas Star” in 2021!
The professional jury evaluated the performances of the contestants, which included experienced specialists in the field of choral and solo singing, musical and aesthetic education. For many years, the chairman of the jury has been Krieger Vladimir A., a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Culture and Arts of the Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky.
The winners of 2022 received awards – diplomas and gifts, and Natalia Namerovskaya, who took the 1st place in the “Solo Singing” nomination, also became the owner of the symbol of the competition – the “Christmas Star”.
The baton of the competition in 2023 was taken over by the Poltava municipal district of the Omsk region.