Photo Contest in our own words
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the
” Photo Contest: in our own words”
organized as part of the RISE COLING research project. Entries should represent minority, indigenous or endangered languages. We especially encourage young members of local communities to share their passion for language and culture and express their emotions through photography.
The entries must be submitted between
August 26 and October 10, 2019 using this application form.
Photo Contest Categories:
1. Me, Human: photos in this category should present portraits. In the description, please share information about the person and his / her importance for the community. Example: You could send a portrait of an important elder or activist from your community.
2. My word – My world: The title of the image should focus on one specific word in a minority/endangered language. The image itself could represent the word literally, metaphorically, or artistically. In the description, please describe the meaning and context of your chosen word, as well as the relevance to your community. Example: “My favorite word in Calabrian Greek is cucciamata – a fruit ready to be collected but not yet picked. Accordingly, this photo is of a local olive tree with ripe olives which will soon be harvested.”
3. Sounds of Our Souls: images submitted in this category should present various types of artistic performances relevant for your culture or community (dance, music, poetry, theatre, paintings, or others). In the description, please explain the type of performance and the relevance to your community. Example: I could send a picture of a drumming ceremony or dance performance.
4. Naturally!: images in this category should present the relationship between nature and culture. They can include landscapes, plants, or animals. In the description, please explain the importance of the relationship between the environment and culture depicted in the image. Example: I could send a picture of my favorite tree or of my environment and its current situation.
5. Mobility: images that capture the movement of your culture or your people in space or time. Example: I could send a photograph of my community migrated or an innovation in cultural practices.