New items from the Big Dipper Book Center in the Sverdlovsk Regional International Library
Книжный центр «Большая Медведица» является постоянным партнёром Международной библиотеки. В Центре реализуются книги о русской народной культуре для всех возрастов – этнографические произведения русских исследователей, памятники фольклора, сборники сказок и былин, книги о ремеслах, ремеслах, народном костюме. В ассортименте Центра имеются также издания, освещающие историю и культуру других народов России.
Знакомим вас с новыми книгами из Большой Медведицы, которые заняли достойное место на полках Международной библиотеки.
Наталья Толостухина «Городец: наследие мастеров : живопись и графика на бумаге»
Городецкая резьба и роспись по дереву – яркое явление русской традиционной художественной культуры. Сегодня произведения Городецких мастеров хранятся во многих музейных и частных коллекциях нашей страны.
В 2022 году издательство «Бослен» выпустило книгу «Городец: наследие мастеров». Издание посвящено крупнейшей по объему и редкому характеру представленного материала коллекции рисунков городецких мастеров Сергиево-Посадского государственного историко-художественного музея-заповедника. Рисунки выполнены во второй половине 1930-х – начале 1940-х годов четырьмя известными городецкими художниками И. А. Мазиным, И. К. Лебедевым, Д. И. Крюковым и А. Е. Коноваловым в экспериментальных мастерских Музея народных художественных промыслов. Эти произведения, различающиеся по художественной форме и назначению, отражают поиск путей развития городецкого искусства, активно проводившийся в те годы.
Книга «Городец: наследие мастеров» рассказывает об истории создания уникального музейного собрания, назначении и художественной специфике рисунков, очерчивает круг авторов, а главное знакомит читателей с рядом интересных , хотя и не всегда однозначные, произведения городецкого искусства.
The publication is richly illustrated, most of the works are published for the first time. Of particular interest are a series of works on literary and historical themes, as well as numerous drawings with samples of traditional Gorodetsky ornament.
The author of the book is Natalia Vladimirovna Tolstukhina, an art critic, head of the sector “Russian Decorative and Applied Art of the XVIII-XXI centuries” of the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve.
Marina Smybysheva “Russian hut: from stove to bench”
Marina Alekseevna Smybysheva is our contemporary, poet, journalist, author of books for adults and children. Last year, Nastya and Nikita publishing house published her book “The Russian Hut: from the stove to the bench.”
This book, like a time machine, will take you two hundred years back to the nineteenth century. Russian Russians will make you feel like a resident of a Russian village, a member of a large peasant family who lives in a real Russian hut. And a Russian hut, even the smallest one, is a huge world, a whole cosmos, which will be incredibly interesting for a modern person to get to know.
There are many illustrations in the book: visual and fascinating. You can even consider the hut in the section! Read about the difference between a black hut and a white hut, why even before the construction of the hut begins, they decide where the oven will stand in it, what is a hearth and baking, and many more interesting things.
The book is addressed to readers of primary school age, but it will be no less interesting to their parents!
Lyudmila Ivanova “Karelian bathhouse: rituals, beliefs, traditional medicine and host spirits”
A bathhouse for a Russian person is not just a place where the body is cleansed. A whole cult was associated with her with its own rules and customs, and some elements of this cult have survived to the present day.
Moreover, it was difficult to imagine a long frosty winter in Russia without a bathhouse. Many rituals were also held here – maternity, wedding, funeral and memorial, healing, household. Love-magic rituals and fortune-telling also often took place in the baths.
The bathhouse had its own guardian spirit, the bannik, as in the house – the brownie. There were also many customs associated with it. For example, entering the bathhouse had to politely ask the permission of the bathhouse attendant, and leaving the steam room, thank him with a low bow from the bottom of his heart.
As a rule, several people went to steam, they were afraid to be alone. To win over the bannik, they brought him a treat – rye bread, generously sprinkled with salt.
Lyudmila Ivanova’s book “Karelian Bathhouse” is the results of the first comprehensive study on the Karelian bathhouse, based on materials identified in the archives of the Republic of Karelia and Finland, involving a large amount of information on ethnography, folklore, linguistics, architecture and other related disciplines.
The main attention is paid to the bath rituals and beliefs that existed among the Karelians in the XIX and XX centuries. The rituals of the life cycle conducted in the bathhouse and love magic are considered in detail. For the first time, the mythological concepts on which traditional medicine is based, as well as bath etiquette and beliefs, are being investigated. The study of the bath locus, sacred to the Karelians, allowed us to present another aspect of the archaic worldview of the people, demonstrating at the foreseeable stage the syncretism of pagan and Christian ideas.
“Tales of the Kabardian people”
Earlier this year, a book was published in Nalchik, which is the most complete edition of the tales of the Kabardian people in Russian at the moment. It presents Kabardian fairy tales, selected from a number of folklore collections of the Adyghe peoples.
The Adyghe fairy tale is a unique phenomenon that includes tales about animals, adventurous, magical, everyday, cumulative (in the latter dialogues or actions are repeated and develop as the plot develops), tall tales, anecdotes. Many of them are presented in this collection.
The fabulous tradition of the Adyghe peoples and, in particular, Kabardian reflects the peculiarities of their historical fate, spiritual culture and the attitude of its creators, is a serious help in exploring the originality of the ways of formation of the artistic consciousness of the people, their poetic ideas.
The retelling of Kabardian folk tales for children was prepared in this edition by the folklore scholar Alla Aliyeva. We invite our young readers and their parents to open this collection and begin an exciting journey into the world of fairy tales of the Kabardian people.
Askerbi Shortanov “Adyghe (Circassian) mythology and cults”
Askerbi Takhirovich Shortanov (1916-1985) was a Kabardian writer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR; a specialist in Adyghe traditional cults, who left a noticeable mark in the literature, art and science of Kabardino-Balkaria. It is impossible to imagine Kabardian prose, drama, literary studies, and ethnography without his artistic and scientific works. And his works “Adyghe mythology” and “Adyghe cults”, included in the book “Adyghe (Circassian) mythology and cults” are another confirmation of this. This edition recreates an impressive picture of the harmonious system of mythological representations of the Adygs from ancient times.
Полиграфическое исполнение издания достойно восхищения! Книга прекрасно иллюстрирована; помимо текстовых иллюстраций в него включены многочисленные произведения зарубежных и российских художников, позволяющие наглядно представить историю черкесов XVII–XIX веков.
Выпуск этой книги – дань глубокому уважению издателей к многогранному таланту Аскерби Шортанова. Естественно, его произведения несут на себе печать советской эпохи, но неизменным во всех его произведениях остается одно – любовь к родной культуре, самоотверженное стремление рассказать о ней миру, последовательная и многолетняя работа по собиранию, изучению, систематизации. , издание образцов адыгейского народного творчества.
Во вторую работу дополнительно включен раздел, посвященный культу головы. Помимо текстовых иллюстраций, в него вошли многочисленные произведения зарубежных и российских художников, позволяющие наглядно представить историю адыгов на протяжении XVII–XIX веков.
Эти и другие новинки Книжного центра Большой Медведицы уже доступны читателям Международной библиотеки!