Jarjum Stories
Jarjum Stories is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s books and storytelling. Jarjum [pronounced jah-jum] means children.
Revisit childhood favourites – The Rainbow Serpent, Stradbroke Dreamtime and The Legends of Moonie Jarl – and some of the earliest Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s books published in Queensland.
This colourful showcase highlights the role of storytelling in sharing language, cultural knowledge and moral lessons across generations.
See the world through the eyes of jarjum in the exploration of stories created with children across Queensland including a bilingual Yugambeh story book.
Experience The Very Hungry Caterpillar through its many translations into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.
Throughout the showcase period, join in special Reading Nook activities capturing the imagination of children and adults alike.
State Library of Queensland celebrates the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages.