International Mother Language Day
On the International Mother Tongue Day, the historical and patriotic club”Peresvet” and the Department of International Cooperation of the Bryansk State Agrarian University held a round table with 1st year students of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education and with foreign students.
The organizers of the festive event were the chairman of the IPK “Peresvet” A. Svetly and the head of the Department of International Cooperation, Candidate of Philological Sciences O.A. Baturina. Priest Mikhail was the guest of honor at the round table.
Russian Russian A. Svetly told the students about the history of the holiday, about the legal regulation and the importance of the Russian language. O. Baturina conducted a brief excursion into the history of the Russian language, how long it was formed, drew attention to the peculiarities of the beauty, poetry and expressiveness of our language, which has the status of an international one.
Students also made presentations at the round table. Kirill Pankov’s speech was devoted to the history of the creation of the alphabet, the educational role of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Daria Sycheva made an interesting presentation on the peculiarities and traditions of the Church Slavonic language. Rita Ershova introduced the audience to the history of the letter “E” joining the Russian alphabet.
The final performance was a speech by Father Michael, who read the prayer “Our Father” in Old Slavonic and told about the essence of this prayer and its meaning.
The meeting was a real lesson for all students. They not only learned a lot of new and interesting things about their native language, but also learned that the language requires careful treatment and it must be preserved as one of the national treasures.