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International Folklore Festival/Mjezynarodny folklorny festiwal “Łužica/ Lausitz/ Lusatia”

Did you ever visit the smallest Slavic nation – the Sorbs? The Sorbs settled in the 6th century in the eastern part of Saxony, where the Sorbian language, culture and traditional costumes are still present. A good opportunity to get to know the Sorbs is the 11th Folklore festival “Lusatia” – which is organized by DOMOWINA – Union of Lusatian Sorbs and many other partners -and takes place from 4.7. – 7.7.2019 in Crostwitz , in the historical city of Bautzen which is also a centre of the Sorbian life with several Sorbian institutions and in Drachhausen in Lower Lusatia.
Of course, the festival will also combine other minorities and ethnic groups from everywhere in the world. On each day there are performances, colourful programmes and entertainment.
So use this opportunity to visit the area between Bautzen and Kamenz with its two different languages and get to know the home, culture and the traditions of the Sorbian people. Nevertheless the focus of this festival is on the minorities and ethnic groups from all over the world. Together with the participants from Lusatia and other parts of Germany they’ll present their unique folklore and will enchant you with their songs, dance arts and traditional costumes. We welcome you to Lusatia  to the International Folklore Festival.
The festival starts on Thursday with a parade through the city of Bautzen where the participants introduce themselves. Afterwards there is the grand opening.
On Friday evening the gala program of international folklore takes place in Drachhausen in Lower Lusatia.
Starting Saturday the gala performances are in Crostwitz. Traditionally they take place in five farmsteads where traditional meals will also be served. Just taste it!
Sunday starts with a divine service in the Sorbian language and in the afternoon there is the festival parade with following folklore performances. Afterwards the highlights of the festival are presented in the grand finale with most of the participants.

So enjoy these days of domestic and international folklore and get to know the richness of languages and traditions of minorities from everywhere in the world, still living today.


Wot 4.7. – 7.7.2019 organizuje Domowina – Zwjazk Łužiskich Serbow z.t. z mnoho dalšimi parterami  hižo k 13. razej woblubowany mjezynarodny folklorny festiwal “Łužica” .
W Budyšinje a w Chrósćicach předstaja Wam najwšelakoriše folklorne skupiny ze spěwami a rejemi pisane programy. Cyłkownje wobdźěli so na festiwalu wjace hač 1.000 aktiwnych sobuskutkowacych, wosebje přisłušnicy narodnych mjeńšin z tu- a wukraja.

Folklorny festiwal započina so štwórtk z pisanym ćahom sobuskutkowacych po Budyšinje k wotewrjenju na Hłownym torhošću. Na hłownym jewišću NSLDź so festiwal swjatočnje zahaji.

Pjatk wječor dožiwiće folkloru w  Hochozy (Drachhausen) w Delnjej Łužicy.

dožiwiće w Chrósćicach “Burske tradicije w běhu lěta” we wječornych wotměnjowacych so programach rejwanskich a hudźbnych skupin, kotrež budu we woblubowanych, tradicionelnje wuhotowanych burskich dworach. Štóž chce, móže sobu rejować. Na zwučene wašnje budu so tam tež łužiske a kulinariske wosebitostki našich hosći poskićeć. Jedyn z burskich statokow pak hižo do toho pohosćuje Łužiske dorostowe skupiny a hudźbne folklorne skupiny. Po připołdnju wotewrja so Wiki tradicionalneho rjemjesła kiž móžeće tež cyłodnjowsce njedźelu dožiwić.
Wječor zakónči so z mjezynarodej party “Chrósčan-specialita” wosebje za młodźinu na jednym burskim statoku.

započina so ze wjacorěčnej swjedźenskej Božej mšu.Popołdnju dožiwiće wotměnjacy pisany program, kiž zahaji so ze swjedźenskim ćahom. Po tym wustupja ze zhromadnym programom Łužiske folklorne skupiny. Z festiwalnym finalom z wjerškowymi wukonami rejowarjow a hudźbnikow mjezynarodny festiwal nawječor wuklinči.

Wutrobnje přeprošujemy Was na dny mjezynarodneje folklory, na hodźiny z přećelemi a znatymi, předewšěm pak na dožiwjenje bohateje kultury. Dajće so wobkuzłać wot spěwow a rejow folklornych skupin ze wšěch kónčin swěta a hospodliwosće Łužičanow!