Indigenous Youth Participation in the Cambodia International Film Festival 2022
Within the framework of the project “Build Capacity for Indigenous Youth and Create Indigenous Audiovisual Archives using Wiki Tools in Cambodia”, a collaboration with the Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center and with the support of the Wikimedia Foundation, UNESCO Bangkok supported the participation of six Indigenous youth from three Indigenous communities of Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia, namely Brao, Jarai and Tampuan, who are project trainee filmmakers, at the Cambodia International Film Festival 2022 (CIFF2022), held on 28 June-3 July 2022 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia where their works were screened.
Making the participation of the Indigenous youth filmmakers in the festival possible enabled them to experience their works being screened at this high-profile international event. In addition, enabling the presence of the Indigenous youth filmmakers at CIFF2022 provides an opportunity for Indigenous participation in the public domains of culture and information within Cambodia and the international filmmaking community.