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Global dictation in the Ossetian language

On 14 of May 2024, a global dictation in the Ossetian language took place. The principal venue for the Global Dictation was the Ossetia-Iryston TV channel. Additionally, the Republic of South Ossetia, along with the neighbouring regions of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, participated in the event.  Additionally, platforms for the occasion were established at the North Ossetian State University, as well as at educational institutions at the primary, secondary, and post-secondary levels throughout the republic. The text of Shamil Dzhigkaev’s dictation, «Нæ фыдæлты фарн», was read by Valeria Kazbekovna Ambalova, the winner of the interregional competition for teachers of native languages, “We are different but equal” (2023), who is a teacher of Ossetian language and literature at School No. 6 in Beslan.

A total of 7784 people participated in the activity.