Exhibition “A Country Called “Mother Tongue”
We invite you to view the virtual exhibition “A Country Called Native Language”, marking the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.
Russian is spoken by 288 million people! It is the fourth most widely spoken language in the world. And the BOOK preserves all this beauty and originality for us. Everyone knows that the lesson of the Russian language is a serious matter. It is very important when studying Russian to learn how to write words and sentences correctly and correctly. For those who want to know Russian as an “A”, there are a huge number of special books: textbooks, dictionaries, manuals. These editions are very serious, but you want something understandable, funny and magical! Today we will tell you about such books, but first a tale…
In the fairy-tale kingdom of Linguinia (and there is such a kingdom!) Russian Language is a powerful king and Speech Culture is a strict, orderly queen, who has a whole retinue of princes and princesses.
Princess Phonetics builds her servants into syllables all day long. Her servants are called sounds, those with a voice are vowels, those without a voice are consonants.
Princess Spelling is fond of making up rules for everything, making friends with countless friends and throwing balls for them. That’s where everything meets: roots with prefixes, suffixes with endings, hyphens with prepositions, and capital letters with lowercase letters. Princess Spelling’s favorite guest is Uncle Word Formation, with whom she likes to discuss how many homogeneous words can come from a single root and what it takes to do it.
Vocabulary and Phraseology – the two princesses are “thick as thieves. They can argue until they are blue in the face about the direct and figurative meanings of words. They know by rote all the original Russian and borrowed words, obsolete words and neologisms, dialectisms, professionalisms, phraseology. They know the families of homonyms, synonyms and antonyms like the back of their hand.
Vocabulary and Phraseology are two princesses who are “thick as thieves. They can argue until they are blue in the face about the direct and figurative meanings of words. They know by rote all the original Russian and borrowed words, obsolete words and neologisms, dialectisms, professionalisms, phraseological expressions. They know the families of homonyms, synonyms and antonyms like the back of their hand.
(Photo of the book from the library collection)
Morphology is the most fashionable princess. It is she who keeps track of what form the devoted shepherds, whose names are Noun, Verb, Adjective, as well as Numerals; Noun, Participle, Participle (verb forms), Adverb, Preposition, Union, Particle, Interjection, must appear in. Well, before going to bed she solves such problems: how to say correctly: fish don’t have teeth, fish don’t have teeth or – fish don’t have teeth?
Syntax is the only prince of the beautiful kingdom of Native Speech. His father, the king, has entrusted him with maintaining order in word combinations, simple and complex sentences. Syntax controls the service of connection between sentences, strictly observes the generalizing and introductory words, they do not appear anywhere without the accompaniment of commas. It keeps separate members of the sentence on a special account. “Execution cannot be pardoned,” is his favorite saying.
Punctuation is the kindest princess who sometimes causes trouble for others with her generosity. Her servants – punctuation marks are lost in the abundance of orders, all the time asking questions, oohing and aahing, and quoting someone.
Stylistics – thinks she is the most important princess because she teaches everyone to write and speak not just correctly, but exemplarily. In order to teach everyone the princess herself has to read all the time. On her bookshelf you will find all the dictionaries of the world, books on history and Russian literature. The princess reads rhymes to the children to memorize the rules, such as this:
On the green light,
Don’t go
And don’t go,
And don’t ever ride, –
– Yes!
(S. Belorusets)
Well, older children often hear from her:
Our language is sweet, clean, and lush, and rich;
But sparingly do we put a good storehouse in it;
So that by ignorance we may not glory in it,
We must make our storehouse at least a little better.
А. Sumarokov
Here we have met the inhabitants of the country of Linguia. They are very fond of literate children and responsible adults. Do not upset them by not knowing the rules. Read books, be diligent students! Your librarians.))
And now…
We want to introduce you to books by Tatyana Gennadyevna Rik, a Russian author of educational and fiction books for children. The first books by T. Rik appeared in 1993 and have been republished many times since then. Her books will help you to learn Russian, and these lessons will be fun and useful.
Hello, Noun! – M.:RIO “Samovar”, 1996.-89p.
The good wizard Noun invites children from 1st to 7th grades to visit. The game and the story will help you get to know and be friends with nouns. You will learn how to perfectly understand cases and declensions, learn not to confuse the noun with other parts of speech, you can easily parse the noun morphologically, and most importantly – learn easily and joyfully!
Good morning, adjective name! – M.:LLC “Apriori-press”,2006.-96s.:ill.
Merry artist Name Adjective will help learn the morphology of the Russian language for children from 1 to 7 grade. On her visit you will be able to play and dream, but most importantly – learn everything about the adjective, and, I hope, make friends with this part of speech.
Hello, Uncle verb! -M.:VAKO,2012.-176s
Funny and very active uncle will tell you how to conjugate verbs, distinguish between transitive, reflexive and impersonal verbs. Schoolchildren will get an idea of the time and the inclination of the verb, as well as many other things.
Before a verb is written,
Don’t forget to ask a question,
For there is a soft sign in the question,
And in verbs we put it.
(Spelling -TSY and -TYY in verbs.
Russian Language: Hello, Communion! -M.: LLC “Publishing house Astril”,1999.-136p.
In the book, kids will meet Indians, a love-struck Earthling, knights, spies and even the intergalactic police. Dangers, chases, and extraordinary adventures await the readers, which will help the kids explore the sacrament. They won’t even notice how they will chase Elusive Joe, learn to write H and How do you live, Adverb? – M.:VAKO,2012.-112p.-(entertaining textbook)
Going to visit, to Auntie Adverb, who is married to Uncle Verb II (twin brother of the already familiar to us Uncle Verb), readers can admire a collection of cacti, gdetus, whentus, whithertus and other prickly plants. (Questions answered by adverbs: where, when, where, whence, whence, how, why, and why.)
The seven questions are a wonder,
They’re easy to remember:
Where? Where? When? From where?
why? why? why? and how?HH in participles, and learn how to use commas in the participle.