Collective Language Revitalization
First Things First (FTF) Tribal Affairs team, in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s International Decade of Indigenous Languages, invites you to join us for a series of live panel sessions, “Collective Language Revitalization” throughout November.
This year for Native American Heritage Month, FTF will focus on the International Decade of Indigenous Languages outcome to empower Indigenous peoples to learn, teach and transmit their languages to current and future generations.
Language revitalization work is a shared community responsibility. We are honored and blessed to host panelists from various communities and organizations to share their work in language revitalization, reclamation, immersion, and preservation in Arizona.
Please join First Things First for the live webinars, or watch the recorded webinars on the First Things First YouTube channel in November!
Collective Language Revitalization Panel #1: Click here to register.
Thursday, November 3, 2022 from 3pm – 4pm PST
Hear leaders from the White Mountain Apache Tribe Community School and Gila County’s Family & Consumer Health Sciences discuss language revitalization program development in their community.
Collective Language Revitalization Panel #2: Click here to register.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022 from 3pm – 4pm MST
Hear from San Carlos Apache Tribal Language Preservation Department leaders and a Pascua Yaqui Tribal literacy specialist at Dr. Fernando Escalante Tribal Library discuss how individuals can promote language teaching and learning in their communities.
Collective Language Revitalization Panel #3: Click here to register.
Thursday, November 17, 2022 from 3pm – 4pm MST
Learn from a group of passionate mothers from the Navajo Nation who created the Shimá Storytelling Program, a grassroots reading program. They will discuss their process for creating a language revitalization program and how communities can promote language revitalization efforts.