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Celebration of the Day of the Ossetian Language and Literature

On 15 May 2024, as part of the celebration of the Day of the Ossetian Language and Literature, a ceremony of laying flowers at the tomb of the poet, playwright and publicist Kosta Khetagurov was held in the pantheon of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The event was attended by Chairman of the Parliament T.R. Tuskaev, Chairman of the Government B.B. Dzhanaev, heads of executive authorities, cultural and educational figures of the republic, schoolchildren and members of the public. Sergey Menyailo emphasised that one of the most important tasks today is to do everything possible to preserve the native language. He addressed the audience in the Ossetian language.

Flowers and wreaths were laid at the pedestal of the monument to Kosta Khetagurov on Teatralnaya Square. Officials, representatives of public organisations and residents of the republic came today, on the Day of Ossetian Language and Literature, to honour Kosta’s memory.

On 15 May 2024, as part of the celebration of the Day of the Ossetian Language and Literature, festive events were held in all educational institutions. Quizzes, contests and quests were held in the republic’s educational organisations, and book exhibitions dedicated to the Nart epic were organised in libraries.

Moreover other events were organised as part of the “Talking about Important Things” project. The children were told about their native language, traditions and customs of Ossetia. The children also recited poems, danced, sang and played national instruments.

The project was organised on the initiative of the republic’s Ministry of Education and Science together with the state budgetary educational institution of additional professional education “North Ossetian Republican Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers”.

On 23 May 2024, as part of the celebration of the Day of the Ossetian Language and Literature of the celebration of the Day of the Ossetian Language and Literature, the annual republican professional contest “Methodological Collection” was held at the D. Doev Secondary General Education School No. 2 in the village of Gizel in the Prigorodny Municipal District of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The annual republican professional contest “Methodological Collection” was held in the Prigorodny Municipal District of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania as part of the celebration of the Day of the Ossetian Language and Literature.

In accordance with the regulations, the competition is held annually in two stages. The first (qualifying) stage is held in absentia, with the contest jury reviewing all submitted materials. The second (in-person) stage is attended by the finalists of the absentee stage of the competition.

A total of 12 teachers of Ossetian language and literature, as well as educators from Vladikavkaz and districts of the republic took part in the competition.

The grand-prize winner of the contest “The Best Methodological Collection” was among:

educators – Kusova Ella Kazbekovna, educator of Ossetian language;

teachers – Marina Kazbekovna Datieva, teacher of Ossetian language and literature at school No. 3 in Beslan; and teachers – Marina Kazbekovna, teacher of Ossetian language and literature at school No. 3 in Alagir.

The winners and runners-up were awarded with relevant departmental honours.