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Big Ethnographic Dictation

On November 2, as part of the celebration of the Day of National Unity, the Centre for Development of Children’s Abilities ‘Altair’ in Beslan became an offline platform for writing the dictation. And this platform was not chosen by chance. At the Altair Centre, the younger generation learns not only modern professions, but also ancient crafts: golden sewing, pottery, national dolls, weaving the national headscarf, wood carving, and wool felting.

The event was attended by representatives of ministries and departments, national cultural organisations and cultural figures. Special guests were participants in the Altyn Maidan-Alania International Inclusive Festival, which is taking place in our republic these days. North Ossetia is one of the most cosmopolitan republics in the North Caucasus, a good example of the unity of peoples of different faiths, cultures and traditions who have lived in peace and harmony for several centuries.

Today the republic is home to more than a hundred nationalities. Thanks to respect and keen interest in the culture of other peoples, people of different faiths and ethnic characteristics live in peace and mutual understanding.

Today, representatives of more than a hundred nationalities live in the republic. Thanks to respect and keen interest in the culture of other peoples, people of different faiths and ethnic characteristics live in peace and mutual understanding. After the solemn part of the event, all participants started writing the dictation. Online tasks were available until 8 November on the official website of the Big Ethnographic Dictant

‘The Big Ethnographic Dictant is organised on the initiative of the Federal Agency for Nationalities and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The Dictation was first held on 4 October 2016, and more than 13 million people have taken part in it over the years. In 2023, some 20,000 participants in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania will support the Action.