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Azure Wave – Sochi 2024

On June 16-17, 2024, the international arts Olympiad “Azure Wave – Sochi 2024” was held in the city of Sochi, Lazarevsky Center of National Cultures. At the large-scale event, the Chechen Republic was represented by the folk choreographic group “Kegerkhoy” (leader – Magomedov Khusein Mansarovich, Daudova Iman Buvaisarovna) from the village of Bachi-Yurt, Kurchaloevsky District House of Culture. In the nomination – girls’ dance “Khazalla” and in the nomination – mass dance “Khalkhar Bal” our young talents were awarded GOLD MEDALS and diplomas for 1st place. At the Center of Culture and Arts, the children were solemnly greeted with flowers and fireworks. We are proud, happy, applaud all together this achievement! We wish you not to stop there, always move forward and conquer any peaks!