A scientific and practical conference “Ethnomir of Karelia: best practices of ethnocultural education, models, brands, projects” was held in Petrozavodsk
The conference was attended by teachers and lecturers of Karelian, Vepsian and Finnish languages working in the system of preschool, general, additional and vocational education, specialists in the field of linguistics, ethnology, interlanguage and intercultural interaction, representatives of national public organizations, mass media in national languages.
The conference discussed issues related to the planning, organization and educational and methodological support of the process of ethnocultural education in educational institutions of the Republic of Karelia, as well as got acquainted with the best practices and models of ethnocultural education, regional ethnocultural brands and projects.
The conference was organized by the Karelian Institute for Educational Development. Largely thanks to the specialists of the Center for Ethnocultural Education of the Institute, the entire line of textbooks on the Karelian language (Livvikov and Karelian dialects proper), workbooks, methodological recommendations and audio applications for grades 1-11 of secondary schools has been developed in the republic.