Plenary Session: Discussion on the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032) | 15th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
As stated in paragraph 10 of Human Rights Council resolution 33/25, the Expert Mechanism is called
to coordinate its work and further strengthen its participation, engagement and cooperation, as
appropriate, with United Nations bodies and processes. Pursuant this aim, the Expert Mechanism has
joined the efforts, led by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), in cooperation with UNDESA and other relevant UN Agencies, to draw global attention to
the critical situation of many indigenous languages, following the proclamation by the General
Assembly of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (Resolution 74/135, para. 24) for the
period of 2022-2032.
As designated member of the Global Task Force for Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous
Languages, the Expert Mechanism will be devoting a two-hour item of its 15th session on identifying
strategies to localize the Global Action Plan of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages
(IDIL2022-2032) with the aim to contribute to the protection and promotion of the linguistic rights of
indigenous peoples, as firmly grounded in the General Assembly resolution.
The International Decade, as an immediate outcome of the 2019 International Year of Indigenous
Languages, stresses the key role of languages in all domains of human life and the necessity to apply
a full spectrum of human rights to ensure the preservation, revitalization, and promotion of
indigenous languages. It also invites all stakeholders to draw attention to the critical loss of indigenous
languages and to take urgent and concrete steps at the national and international levels to address
this situation.
The International Decade of Indigenous Languages provides a unique opportunity to collaborate in the
spirit of multi-stakeholder engagement, promotion of human rights-based approach and gender
equality, and calls for a coherent and well-coordinated approach to achieve maximal positive impact
and social change with respect to the mainstreaming of indigenous languages in society and the
inclusion and empowerment of those who speak and sign them. The Global Action Plan of the Decade
provides stakeholders with the essential principles for embarking on joint action with a vision that
indigenous peoples will entrust their languages to future generations creating a better society for
This panel will focus on the localization, adaptation and operationalization of the Global Action Plan
and the necessary measures to be taken by all stakeholders to make sure that this global framework
has an impact at the regional, national, and local levels, and importantly, on lives of indigenous
peoples all over the world.
The session will provide for exchanges about concrete measures and actions planned or taken by
stakeholders to promote the use of indigenous languages in public life. Examples and good practices
on how the Global Action Plan of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages can be integrated
into strategic and policy national and organizational plans taking a human-rights based approach will
be explored. Furthermore, the participants will also reflect on the ways UN indigenous mechanisms
such as the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples could be involved and support the
ongoing implementation of the Global Action Plan.
The panel discussion aims:
• To provide an overview of the Global Action Plan, including its essential principles, conceptual,
implementation, and monitoring frameworks, as well as the governance structures of the
International Decade.
• To identify strategies for the localization, adaptation and operationalization of the Global
Action Plan of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages with a full spectrum of
human rights, legal status for language recognition, and greater daily use of indigenous
languages across all socio-cultural, economic, environmental, legal and political domains
• To share good practices and successful initiatives implemented by various stakeholders,
including governments, indigenous peoples, civil society, academia and United Nations system
entities as well as the UN indigenous mechanisms to implement the Global Action Plan with a
human rights-based approach.
• To discuss necessary measures to be taken by national governments and indigenous peoples’
organizations to maximise impact, including through the support of the United Nations system
and UN indigenous mechanisms, in the implementation of those measures, in line with the
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other strategic
documents such as the Global Action Plan of the International Decade of Indigenous
Opening remarks:
• Member of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
• Representative of UNESCO
• Mr Belkacem Lounes, Congrès Mondial Amazigh
• Representative of Member State TBC
• Ms Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg, Advisor for Communication and Information, UNESCO
The discussion will continue following the list of speakers