«Нивхгу» в Корсакове
On March 4, the Korsakov Children’s Art School hosted a screening of the play “Nivkhsu”, a laboratory theater project based on four fairy-tale stories based on the folklore of indigenous peoples of the North of the Sakhalin Region. The event was held within the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages of the World.
The premiere of the unusual theatrical production “Nivkhsu” took place on August 9, 2022 on the International Day of the Indigenous Peoples of the World in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, and in September 2022 it became an ornament of the Days of the Sakhalin Region in Moscow at the State Historical Museum at the exhibition “Your Country: Sakhalin and the Kuriles through Time”.
It is noteworthy that the troupe includes representatives of different nationalities and fields of activity. Enthusiasts under the guidance of an experienced actor and director Alexander Lee gathered for rehearsals in the Sakhalin Regional Center of Folk Art. It turned out to be a modern immersive production.
On March 4, Korsakovites had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the symbiosis of the atmosphere of traditional Nivkh culture and modernity. The performance was interesting both for the older generation and for young people. The audience warmly welcomed the artists of “Nivkhsu”: empathized with the main characters, laughed, was surprised, became a participant in the action taking place. All this took place under the accompaniment of the musical duo “Istoki” (Oksana Novik and Maxim Ponomar).
At the end of the show, a discussion with the audience took place. It is pleasant to note that the viewer was not left indifferent. There were a lot of kind words addressed to the performers of the roles and the performance itself. Interesting questions were asked, and one of the young spectators even asked the artists to say something in the Nivkh language.
Such events not only preserve and develop the culture of the island region, enlightening the viewer, but also help the contemporary to plunge into the atmosphere of the distant past.
The project was made possible thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture and Archives of the Sakhalin region.
Special thanks to the Department of Social Development of the Administration of the municipal formation “Korsakov City District” and the administration of the Korsakov Children’s Art School.