Конкурс чтецов “У родного очага”
The readers’ contest “At the native hearth” involves the performance by participants of literary works by Khanty, Mansi, Nenets and Russian authors dedicated to the theme of the North, nature and people of northern latitudes, the formation of the modern North, spiritual searches and problems of a person living here. Students of secondary schools and other educational institutions are allowed to participate in the competition. And everyone can also take part, performers of works of their own composition dedicated to a given topic are evaluated separately. Age categories: from 6 to 11 years old, from 12 to 17 years old, youth 18-35 years old, adults. The competition program may include poetic and prose, lyrical works about nature, about the family of Khanty, Nenets, Mansi poets, works by amateur authors — on a free topic. The contestant can choose all types of speech genre for artistic reading: poetry, prose, artistic word. When performing, the following are allowed: fragments, compositions, musical design, visual accompaniment, staging, national costumes. Each performer presents only one work. The performance time limit is up to five minutes. Before the audition, the contestant provides the members of the jury with the text of the selected work in printed form. Form of participation: full-time.