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Komi theatre for all

The National Musical and Drama Theatre of the Komi Republic has developed a cultural and educational project Komi Theatre for All (Коми театр для всех). This interdepartmental project was approved by the Ministry of Culture and Archival Affairs of the Komi Republic, the Ministry of National Policy of the Komi Republic and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Komi Republic. The idea of the project is that the theatre offers the study of the culture of the Komi people through watching performances, for students of schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, preschool educational institutions of the Komi Republic introducing song and music creativity, traditions of the Komi people, history, language, literature, as well as the world dramatic heritage – in Komi language. Students can attend theatre performances in a one-time format or as a subscription, both on a stationary stage and on trips to educational institutions. An important task of the Project is to activate activities aimed at promoting the “Pushkin card” program among young people aged 14-22. Active work is underway to conclude bilateral agreements between the theatre and educational institutions and other interested organizations.