В Алтайском крае состоялся XXI краевой кумандинский фестиваль, посвященный Международному Дню коренных народов мира
The XXI Regional Kumandin Festival, dedicated to the International Day of Indigenous Peoples, took place in the village of Nizhnyaya Neninka in the Soltan district on August 5th. Territorial-neighbouring communities of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East – Kumandins – participated in the festival, which was focused on Kumandin culture and traditions.
This year, more than 150 representatives of the Altai indigenous people from Biysk, Krasnogorsk and Soltan districts took part in the festival. The festival was held in the hospitable village of Nizhnyaya Neninka in Soltan district and was organized by the territorial-neighbouring community of Kumandins “Ayrchak” (Brook), with Elena Sumachakova as its chairperson. The festival was financially supported by the Government of the Altai Region and the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs.
The key events of the festival included a solemn concert program, competitions in national sports, a beauty contest “Kumandin Beauty”, tasting of national cuisine dishes, an exhibition-sale of folk crafts, as well as a children’s drawing contest “Family Tree”.
On behalf of the Government of the Altai Region, Igor Fedorov, the Head of the Department of Interaction with Federal Bodies of State Power of the Governor and the Government of the Altai Region, congratulated the festival participants on the International Day of Indigenous Peoples. In his speech, he noted that the work of Kumandin communities deserves deep respect, as it contributes to the preservation of unique Kumandin culture, transmission of knowledge and experience to young members of the community, and most importantly, attracting youth to the problems of spiritual revival of Kumandin people, fostering patriotism and love for their homeland.
The experience accumulated over more than twenty years of holding the festival and the work done by its organizers have undoubtedly made an invaluable contribution to the preservation of the unique Kumandin culture and language.
The International Day of Indigenous Peoples is celebrated annually on August 9th. Kumandins are the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East living in the Altai Region. According to the 2021 census, the number of Kumandins in the Altai Region is 1089 people, residing in the cities of Biysk, Krasnogorsk and Soltan districts.
Today, Kumandins are experiencing an ethnic development and growing interest in their own culture. Representatives of this ethnic group are actively involved in activities aimed at preserving traditional culture, celebrating national holidays, implementing ethno-cultural projects, participating in events related to state national policy in the region.