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Let’s study together!

On December 6, the final stage of the interregional tandem project competition “Opiskellaan yhdessä” (“Let’s learn together”) took place.

The competition, which was held for the second year in a row, was attended by 2nd year students of the Department of Baltic-Finnish Philology of the Institute of Philology of PetrSU and 2nd and 3rd year students of the Department of General and Finno-Ugric Linguistics of the Institute of Udmurt Philology, Finno-Ugric Studies and Journalism of Udmurt State University. This year, the organizers of the competition received a pleasant surprise – the number of participants has doubled!

Over the course of two weeks, the children, united in mini-groups of 2-3 people, prepared their speeches in Finnish – messages and presentations about the holidays of Finland. The competition was held in two categories: “Best report in Finnish” and “Best presentation in Finnish”. In addition to the main jury, senior students were present at the competition, who, in turn, determined the winners in the additional nomination “Audience Award” among the performers. All students presented their work with dignity. The results of the competition will be announced this week. All winners will receive diplomas and small gifts.