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Anniversary concert of the Republican Festival of modern Komi songs “Vasiley”

On May 20, 2023, the Anniversary concert of the Republican Festival of Modern Komi songs “Vasiley” (hereinafter – the festival) took place in the hall of the State Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Komi Republican Philharmonic”. The audience, songwriters and performers celebrated the 30th anniversary of the festival. The director of the anniversary concert of the festival was the artistic director of the MBUK “Ust-Kulomsky District House of Culture”. The concert featured songs-participants of the 2023 festival, as well as songs-winners of festivals of previous years, which have become popular. The anniversary concert gathered 450 spectators and 200 participants.
An hour before the concert, a presentation of the music collection “Vasilei” was organized in the lobby. The collection includes the winning songs for the last 5 years. Vasily Gushchin (one of the founders of the festival) and Viktor Ulyashev (the performer of the song that received the Grand Prix in 2023) spoke at the presentation of the collection. 25 people got acquainted with the collection at the presentation: employees of libraries and cultural and leisure institutions of the Komi Republic, professional and amateur performers and songwriters. All of them noted the importance of the collection for the popularization of Komi songs.