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The final round of the annual republican competition of the festival “ «Sound, Mother tongue!»

April 26, 2023. The final round of the annual republican competition of the festival “ «Sound, Mother tongue!» -2023 took place at the Center for Culture and Arts of the city of Kurchaloy, dedicated to the Day of the Chechen language as part of the celebration of the Year of the Chechen language. The organizers are the Ministry of Culture of the Chechen Republic and the Folk Art Center of the Ministry of Culture of the Chechen Republic. Goals and objectives of the competition-festival: spiritual, moral and patriotic education of the younger generation through the study and popularization of the native language, traditions and culture of the Chechen people and also identification and support of talented children and youth. The main theme of the project: narrations about the culture of the Chechen people and the history of their native land through the art of words, legends, songs, folk humor and satire. The best creative teams of cultural institutions of the republic and amateur artists took part in the competition program; students of general education schools and children’s art schools who successfully passed the 1st qualifying round. Interesting musical compositions, folk heroic-epic illis were performed on the stage of the Center for Culture and Arts in Kurchaloy, poems by famous Chechen poets and writers who loved and glorified their language, showed their readers its richness and conciseness, colorfulness and splendor (about love for the motherland, mother, native language, glorifying the beauty of our land, customs and traditions of the people). Then the awarding ceremony for the winners took place. Winners were awarded with Diplomas of Ӏ, ӀӀ, ӀӀӀ-degrees, cups, memorable gifts and bouquets of flowers. Other participants of the competition were also awarded with Diplomas of Laureates. April 26, within the framework of the final round of the annual republican competition-festival “Bekalakh, nenan mott!” – 2023, dedicated to the Day of the Chechen Language, an interesting expanded exhibition of works by amateur masters of decorative, applied and fine arts “Beauty of the Republic” was opened in the lobby of the Center for Culture and Arts. The goal is to support and popularize amateur folk art. The exhibition featured expositions of national and original culture in different genre directions. These are woodcarving, work with felt, ceramics, art glass; beading, macrame, arigami, paper plastic, art painting, embroidery and needlework. The decoration of the exhibition was handmade dolls and miniature national costumes. Masters-participants of the exhibition were also awarded colorful Diplomas and cash prizes.