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The experience of the Volgograd cadet corps in implementing the ethno-cultural Cossack component is presented in the State Duma

The event dedicated to the Day of the Russian Language and the Pushkin Day of Russia was held in the State Duma Committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots.
Parliamentarians, heads and members of various foundations, prominent artists, students of higher educational institutions, compatriots from abroad and a descendant of Alexander Pushkin – Elena Saburova were invited to the dialogue.
During the discussion platform, participants discussed preserving the linguistic diversity of Russia, preserving and strengthening the position of the Russian language within the country and in the global language space. Experts rightly noted that the Russian language, as the foundation of national culture, worldview, and worldview, needs not only careful handling, but also systematic protection at the level of state policy.
A representative of the Volgograd region-Director of the State Educational Institution “Cossack Cadet Corps named after K. I. Nedorubov” Sergey Isakov-presented the experience of the Corps in implementing the ethno-cultural Cossack component and preserving the “Don Word”. In particular, he spoke about the unique educational projects implemented by students of the Corps together with the pedagogical and parent communities and shared with Russian compatriots living abroad, the author’s developments of the Corps ‘ teachers, which are adapted Cossack games and a Cossack dictionary.