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Literary journey “Myths of the indigenous peoples of Sakhalin”

As part of the cycle of literary and local history hours devoted to folklore and languages of the indigenous peoples of Sakhalin, the Municipal Budgetary Institution “Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Centralized Library System” held a number of events:

– Literary journey “Myths of indigenous peoples”.

Acquaintance with the biography of the founder of the Nivkh literature – Vladimir Mikhailovich Sangi, listening to the audio book “The Swan Girl”, questions about the listened work,
dialogue on the listened material, information about native speakers of the Nivkh language, acquaintance with Nivkh words, a story about the merits of V. M. Sangi.

– Educational hour “The Epic of the Sakhalin nivkhs”.
Acquaintance with the biography of the founder of the Nivkh literature – Vladimir Mikhailovich Sangi, listening to the audio fairy tale “The Larga seal and the prickly flounder”, questions about the listened work, the game “Fast Flounder” based on this fairy tale, listening to the audio fairy tale “The Swan Girl”, dialogue on the listened material, information about native speakers of the Nivkh language, acquaintance with Nivkh words, a story about the valiant merits of V. M. Sangi.

– Literary and educational hour “Folklore of the indigenous peoples of Sakhalin”
The students learned about the traditions, history and culture of the indigenous inhabitants of the island – Nivkh, Evenk, Uilta and Nanai, about their ancient rituals, national holidays, national clothes. Special attention was paid to the first primer of the Uilta people. Today, the number of people speaking the Uyltin language does not exceed several dozen. This primer proved that all languages, regardless of the number of people speaking them, are capable of serving as a full-fledged means of communication. The children learned about the work of Vladimir Sangi, the founder and classic of the Nivkh literature. His novels and novellas are firmly included in the “golden fund” of literature. He created the Nivkh alphabet and a primer, wrote many children’s books, journalistic and scientific articles.

– Action “Who are you, Ainu”
As part of the meeting, the guys got acquainted with the Ainu: they learned what a tattoo on the face is for, what inau magic shavings are and what ikunisi are for. And the event ended with an introduction to the stories of the Ainu: how the bird taught them to make boats, who are the “people of the forest” who help in hunting, and what a magical hole leads to another world.

– Literary hour “Fabulous paths of the peoples of Sakhalin”
A message about the life and work of V. Sangi, reading and discussion of V. Sangi’s stories “Rusalkin son”, “Kykyk”. They played nivkh games: “Glot”, “Tykrd”, “Ekieleuri”.

– Educational hour “The Origins of the language” (The mysterious people of Ainu).
– acquaintance with the indigenous small–numbered people – Ainu;
-description of Ainu life and culture;
-features of the Ainu counting system;
– Ainu language;
-reading fairy tales from the collection “Sazochny paths of the Ainu”.

– Thematic hour “Indigenous people of Sakhalin”
Familiarization with the history of the Sakhalin region, customs, traditions of the indigenous peoples of the north. Demonstration of the presentation “Resident of Sakhalin”. A story about the small peoples of the Sakhalin region – nivkhs, Oroks (wilta). Solving riddles, games.

– Literary hour “Nivkh legends” (narrated by Vasily Chesalin)
Acquaintance of schoolchildren with the legends of the Nivkh. Who are the nivkhs, when they appeared, the traditions and life of the Nivkhs, the legends of the nivkhs arranged for children.

– The hour of the fairy tale “The Land of the Nivkhs”
The department of the CBS – library “Book +” together with MB DOE No. 28 held an event in the form of an hour of the fairy tale “Land of Nivkhs” for pupils of the middle group of the kindergarten “Matryoshka”. A library employee told the children that peoples of different nationalities live together on Sakhalin. Every nation has its own traditions and culture. Many interesting fairy tales have been written by these peoples. She introduced preschoolers to the work of the Nivkh writer V. Sangi. I read the fairy tale “The Mosquito”. Then the children watched the video story “The Bear and the Chipmunk”. The fairy tale was filmed based on the fairy tale in . Sangi in the Central City Library named after O. P. Kuznetsov. The children answered questions about the text of fairy tales. At the end of the event, preschoolers reviewed books by Sakhalin authors L. Kisenkova “Shaman of the Frog Mountain”, N. Bessonova “Ice. Golden tambourine”, E. Bibikova “Dorimaki. Along the path” and other fairy tales.

– Hour of local folklore “Legends and tales of the peoples of the North”
The aim is to draw attention to the problem of the loss of indigenous languages and to the need for their preservation, revival and popularization at the national and international levels. The indigenous peoples of Sakhalin were involved in this event. At the entrance, the conversations were told about being and culture (Nivkhs, Nanais, Evenks and Oroks). It was briefly described what the peoples were doing, what traditions they adhered to and what deities they worshiped. For each nation, a story or legend was listened to in the language of small peoples, and then translated into Russian

– Literary hour “Legends and myths of the indigenous peoples of Sakhalin”
The students were told about the indigenous small peoples who were the first to live on Sakhalin, about their folk art. The guys listened to the legends that the people came up with: about Sakhalin Island, about the rocks “Three Brothers”, about the rock “Frog”, the electronic edition of the CBS L. Kisenkova “Shaman of the Frog Mountain” was also invited to listen. The book of the library publishing house “KorKiS” – “Fabulous paths of the Ainu”, which includes legends, literary fairy tales written on Ainu motives by modern Sakhalin authors, was not left without attention.